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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
I chanted as I stupidly stumbled through a dark forest, with about two dozen geeks on my tail. I held a knife in one hand and a shot gun with only a few rounds left. I tripped, I stumbled, I swore, a lot, but I finally made it out of that gloomy forest alive.
After waking for too many miles too count, a Cacophony of car alarms and geeks moaning and growling whizzedthrough my ears.
"What the actual fuck?" 
I wispered under my breath. It sounded like it was coming from the city. So, my dumb-ass headed to the city. As I approached the city, the car alarms began to amplify and a car hastened neat me then halted to a stop.
"Need a ride?" an Korean boy yelled over the car alarms.
"Maybe?" I yelled back.
"You could use one"the boy yelled full of Excileration.
"How do I know you're not gonna murder me.?" I called back
"I guess you'll have to trust me." he said thrilled, along with a smile and a shrug.
"Fine, the names y/n"I called out, trying to overpower the car alarm.
After a long car ride, and Glenn filling me in on what happened and why he was in the city.
"Why did you help me?" I quizzed.
"Well, uhm, I mean, you seem pretty young to be out here by yourself."
"I'm only eleven." I replied kinda embarrassed.
"Jeez, there's two kids at camp who are your age."
I sent him a warm smile.making me jump, Glenn stuck his head out of the window and yelled.
"WOOO HOOO" I decided tojoim in on the fun.
Then we passed a van such had some people inside, who I assumed was who Glenn was taliking about.Their confused faves caused me to burst out laughing, this is the most fun I've had in YEARS.

We finally arrived at "camp" , it wasn't as I expected, Glenn kind-of exaggerated it. Everyone being reunited with their family made me smile, but also remember how lonely I am.
"Oh yeah!"Glenn realised grabbing me by the left arm and dragging me towards the group and placing his hands on my shoulders
"This is y/n." I replied with sticking up both my thumbs and pulling an awkward smile. I Soon saw a man step out the van, I think. His new was Rick? Rob? Or Something else. His face lit up when he saw a little boy, my age, and a beautiful women running towards him.
"Carl. Oh!"
He said while his wife joined the father-son hug.
Ik that this is very short but I'm Thinkinh Of a storyline. Just letting you know Glenn and y/n are gonna have a father daughter relationship.

Four hundred and seventy five words!

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