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The Girl.


Chapter One.

I-I'm in WHAT?!

Author: I'm sadly going to have to follow on the dub episodes for this story, since everytime I pause the pause bar shows up on Hulu and blocks the sub words :( sorry guys i'll still use the accents the sub uses though!! Also 'This is you talking to venom in your mind' Just letting you all know that before anyone get's confused! This might be a little boring in the beginning, but Enjoy the first chapter!!)


Dimension 13.

One Piece world


Logue town. 

Time before poison reaches heart: 20 Days, 10 hours, and 34 minutes. 



The feeling of wild wind was rushing under you, the purple smoke completely teleporting you to a different place, your body feeling the fall, maybe to your death. 

Your hair was blowing with your fall, becoming even more messy than at home, as a shiver from the gust was sent down your spine. 

Feeling like a fucking rag-doll falling down the sky, your body suddenly felt weirder, which confused you as your face was completely blank, no longer scared anymore. 

"Eh, i faced worse than falling to my death." You spoke up, ignoring the fact that your falling an incredible fast speed, which probably will make your death quick. 

'Why the fuck are you acting tough now? You where like all scared when the stupid mist was coming brat.'

"That was because it's poison, now that we are falling to our deaths', it will be quicker than suffering." You heard him scoff. 

'Wow, good point!.' You smiled ".Why thank you!" Feeling his annoyance emotions, your eyes looked up too the pretty fluffy clouds, which shined in the bright sun

'Oi, don't you know what 'Sarcasm is'? I thought I was stupid.' 

"Of course I know what sarcasm it!!" You snapped. 

'Really? It sure doesn't sound like it-'

"Just stfu and figure out where the hell we are."

Hearing him grumble, you felt your eyes closing, your orbs seeing darkness for a bit as the sound of seagulls talking rang through your ears. You also heard the sound of waves splashing? Like an fucking ocean, but a bi-polar one. 

"The hell?" you question, some rather interesting sounds were mixed between your ears. 

'Looks like we were teleported to an fucking ocean, welp, hope you can swim.' You then froze in your spot. 

B.R.O.K.E.N. Book No. 1 of Venom series.Where stories live. Discover now