Chapter 1

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So it's currently Monday and they are leaving Wednesday and coming back Sunday.


"Please, it's not A coincidence that Annabeth left the kids table when she brought her boyfriend."

"The hot one you had a crush on?"

"Yes and shut up." Magnus blushed.

"Deal but if we're doing this I want to go all in I'm talking backstory, one room, drama, I have been so bored." Alex said with her eyes wide.

"Really? Great, okay so how about sam found out that we both liked each other and set us up and we have been dating for two months believable and hard to find holes in."

"Great we should head back." They left the coffee shop they went to for their lunch break and walked back the diner they worked at called Valhalla.

Time skip

Magnus and Alex were FaceTime while going through there closets looking for what to wear.

"Hey is anyone in your family gonna be assholes to me?"

Magnus didn't think about that plus the only people in his family that know he's pan is Annabeth maybe Percy and his mom who is dead. When he was in highschool he was bullied because of a rumor that he was gay, when he realized he was won he remembers crying to his mom and he said how the bully's were right and she just hugged him and told him that she loved him and that she proud of him and the only reason Annabeth know was because when he was 14 he asked her if it was was gay to have a crush on guy (she didn't know but it was Percy).

"Maggie are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"We'll be fine."

Hi I'm sorry it's so short but this is the fifth time I'm having to write this cuz it's keeps deleting.

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