Paper Hearts

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My parents already finalized my things with the school, and this would be my last day here.

I told Irene, and we just cried together for a few minutes before class.

"I'm sorry Irene." I said.

"No Jennie, don't be sorry. You're doing this for you! You're finally doing something for yourself, which is what I've been working for, since I learned about your self-less antics. Don't miss me too much, and make new friends, ok? Don't be afraid. It's better to experience it all and be left with embarrassing memories and funny things, rather than staying still and be left wondering. I love you Jennie Ruby Jane, promise me you'll be the best Jennie you can be. Leave Nini behind okay?" She says.

"I promise."

And this time, I meant it.

It's suddenly lunch break.

My last lunch break here.

I decided to actually eat in the cafeteria.

It's my last day here, who cares.

I sit with Irene and her other friends, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri.

They give me sad looks.

Irene probably told them.

Anyways, I can't stay in the classroom, if I wanted to.

Yoongyeon are there.

Yes they even have a ship name.

Curse this school full of romantic imbeciles.

I see Jungkook come over to the table.

We've gotten closer over the school year.

He's like the little brother I never had.

He also knows I'm leaving.

He asks to eat with us.

I nod.

I see Namjoon come over also.

We've also become closer.

He's like the older brother I've never had.

The guys' also a therapist and a certified nerd yet incredibly stupid at the same time.

The best one I've ever had.

They both give me sad looks.

"I don't want grandma over here to leave, I'll have no one to help me get a girlfriend" Jungkook whines.

"I'm gonna ignore that nickname and focus on the fact that you're going to miss me" I say rolling my eyes.

Suddenly, more people started coming over to the table.

Now it was crowded, with THE WHOLE CLASS.

I kept hearing things like, "We'll miss you Jennie." and "Hope you like your new school, Jennie."

Except for um, you know, two whose names cannot be spoken because I cannot risk turning into a fountain of tears.

Then, Yeri speaks up.

"So maybe word got out but don't worry I made sure yo- thou whose name shall not be spoken or thou who shall not be named's gir- the g word, does not know about it. So they all wanted to wish you a goodbye" She says.

"Wow I am speechless, guys thank you so much! I'll miss all of you so so so so much. I love you guys. Thanks for being the best class ever" I say, still shocked by their actions.

"I also brought donuts," one person speaks up.

"I have brownies!" someone else says.

But then someone says the best thing ever, "Dumplings!!"

SO our lunch table has now become a feast.

(Exclusive to our class only MWAHAHAHA)

I even made some new friends.

It's sad I won't see them after today.

Some of them even gave me presents.

My faith is now restored in the world.


Then, the lunch bell rang.

Hey, at least my last lunch here was a memorable one!

Even the teachers gave me sad looks during the lectures.

While you were just confused.

It hurts but it should stay that way.

After what felt like the flash coming and going, class ended.

Suddenly, Irene put a blindfold on me, and brought me somewhere.

She takes off the blindfold to reveal the music room, a stage and a microphone, with... a crowd?

It feels like most of the grade is here. And even a few teachers.

"I know your dream was to be a singer and have your own concerts, so before you leave , I wanted to make one of the things on your wishlist, come true, I know it isn't an arena, nor is it a stadium that seats 100,000 people but-"

I cut her off.

"Irene, I love it, thank you so much for this"

I give her a big hug.

Then, she runs to the stage.

"So who is ready to hear the best singer ever? Introducing: Jennie Kim!!"

Irene and her dramatic arse.


She pushes me to the stage, in front of everyone.

"Hi everyone, uhm, so there's this song I wrote, called Paper Hearts and I hope you like it!" I say, flashing my gummy smile.


"GO NOONAA!" Jungkook shouts.

"THAT'S MY DONGSAENG YESS GO JENNIE, WE STAN!" Joonie shouts even louder.

I start singing.

*play Paper Hearts in the top of the chapter*

As soon as I finish, the room erupts into applause.

I unconsciously scan the room for you,

But I remember you aren't here.

My smile falters immediately but, I try to keep it, for everyone who did this for me, you know?

Even if the person I need the most isn't here...

"ENCORE!!!" The crowd starts chanting.

"Well, there's one more song I've been working on....."

Everyone goes wild.

"Okay, another song it is!" I say, feeling cheerful for the first time in a while.

Suddenly, the door opens.

It's you and Nayeon.

I glare at Yeri, my eyebrows raised as if asking, 'What the heck are they doing here?'

She shoots me a part 'whoops' and part 'sorry' look.

I get nervous because this next song is also about you...

"T-this song is called, um, 'Fine' and yeah... I hope you like it." I say, feeling my previous excitement wither away.

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