Part 9

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It was midnight but Crowley was still wide awake. Sleeping was one of his favorite pastimes up until recently. Ever since....that day....the demon had been avoiding it as much as possible. But the main reason was in case if Eden needed him for anything and to watch over Aziraphale to make sure he got plenty of rest.

The angel had already driven himself to the point of absolute exhaustion caring for their daughter and it worried him to no end. He wasn't going to let his husband pass out on his watch again.

The angel was sound asleep on their sleeping bag which was now tucked into the far corner of Eden's bedroom. To Crowley's relief Aziraphale and Eden we're both sleeping peacefully, thank Someone for that.

That is until Aziraphale let out a wail.

"No no no no no....please not her....not my Little baby...." Aziraphale begged as he hugged the limp and bloody figure close to him. She was hurt and bleeding...who could have done such a thing to someone so young and innocent?

His blue gaze searched the Air Base frantically for someone, anyone to help but Crowley was off fighting Hastur and Gabriel, his voice heavy with grief had just told him that his healing wards weren't working.

The next thing Aziraphale knew, Crowley was at his side but Eden was barely breathing now. He hugged her closer, not at all caring about the blood seeping onto his clothes. He was concentrating with every ounce of his being, desperately trying to heal his daughter but just like the Archangel said, it wasn't working.

"P-Papa..." Eden's voice was so weak now, it was barely above a whisper.

"I'm here love, just hold on for me....please...."

P-Papa...." Blood bubbled from Eden's mouth and within moments, slumped in his arms.

Aziraphale jerked awake when he felt somebody shaking him roughly by the shoulders.

"Aziraphale! Aziraphale! Wake up! You're having a nightmare!"

Aziraphale sat up with a gasp and once he caught his breath, fell into Crowley's arms, sobbing wretchedly. 

Bad Omens: Archangel's First Thanksgiving (Novella)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu