Part 5

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Eden's stomach burned with a red hot searing pain but despite that she was shivering. She was so very cold....She was in her Papa's arms and she heard her Daddy begging her to not let go but she was just so tired and it hurt so much. Her gaze searched desperately for someone else's gaze to lock with but her vision blurred. She could now only see the silhouettes of her parents and Archangel Gabriel, who was squeezing her hand so tightly now that his grip was almost painful.

Her breath rattled in her chest as it became harder and harder for her to breathe and blood bubbled in her mouth. Its foul salty taste made her choke and she heard her Daddy's voice rise in pitch but she couldn't make out the words.

Eden somehow managed to say something but she didn't recall what words she uttered because all she was aware of was the blackness the was creeping at the corner of her vision. But most of all, her vision cleared long enough for her to make out her parents tear-stained faces and she gazed at them one last time and smiled.

With her last ounce of strength she turned to Gabriel and said something to him, again she didn't really remember and solely focused on his beautiful dark purple eyes until she surrendered to the blackness.

She was in darkness now. She felt like she was in a deep sleep until a dark figure came for her from the darkness a cloaked figure with the bare naked skull for a face with gnarled bony hands.

Eden tensed, expecting the mysterious figure to harm her but instead, the figure stepped aside and the angels came for her.....

Bad Omens: Archangel's First Thanksgiving (Novella)Where stories live. Discover now