Part 24

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Every known creature in the universe would of course laugh at him at this moment now. For though Jimin was amazing at distractions they had managed to forget one small, itsy bitsy little thing. He was good at distracting everyone...except Hobi hyung. Jungkook did not know what it was, perhaps something that just innately called to Hobi when they were up to no good, or when they had broken some rules, or maybe he was just psychic. He should have really thought this through more, though, because the moment that Jungkook had left the cafeteria for but a moment to use the facilities, Hobi had jumped on him, as he was coming out of the stall in the men's room. Jungkook could not help but freeze up, staring at him with big expressive eyes of shock and somewhat concern. 

He could not crack. It was the only avenue that he had. If he broke down than the Hyungs would ground them for life. They would be on kneeling in contrition for hours, if not longer, and then the list of punishment chores would be endless, and Jungkook knew full well that Hobi would find a way to make it worse than what it needed to be. He was the most inventive when it came to punishments. Jungkook felt that it was partially because he seemed to have a knack of knowing exactly how to torment them without physically injuring them even once. It was a skillset. One he seemed to share with JinHyung. Just...unlike JinHyung, Hobi was merciless. There would be no pleading for mercy or forgiveness. Jungkook was almost dead sure that trying such things merely made the situations worse. 

"So," Hobi said simply, staring at Jungkook, taking one step forwards, hands crossed over his chest, his dark eyes boring into Jungkook like the endless night, foretelling a world of danger and dark promises if he answered wrong what was about to be asked. "For some reason, Jimin seems to think that I need to be...distracted. Now, usually, what happened this morning I would classify as Jimin being a classic mischievious brat, but something tells me it was a bit more than that." Hobi had by now managed to have Jungkook shaking against the wall, eyes staring at the poor coloured tile of the floor. He knew it would be over soon. There was no way he could defy Hobi for too long. 

Of all their Hyungs, Hobi had the most intimidating aura sometimes. Jungkook was not entirely sure how it was that he managed it when he could literally light an entire room with just a smile, but that same pour that gave him the nickname "Sunshine Hobi" by their Army, well, the maknae line knew that it could just as easily be turned to say "Demon Hobi" for how dangerous his breath felt at times. As though he was but a mere second from jumping off the edge and never returning to the nice kind compassionate hyung that they knew. 

"Naturelly, of course, Jimin was not being just a casual, run of the mill, difficult brat today. Was he?" The dark eyed boy say, tilting his head to gaze more intently at Jungkook who would swear that he could basically taste the intensity of the atmosphere in the room. It was impossible to taste tension, but it was more than palpable, and Jungkook knew that it would taste bitter on his tongue, despite it being impossible, that was exactly what he was able to do at this very moment. Then again, Hobi defied rules at the best of times. A walking contradiction. 

"H-Hyung, I..." Jungkook was saved, barely, by the door opening. His eyes jolted upwards as Hobi moved to the sink as though he were merely washing his own hands and not almost intimidating the truth of their escapades from his mouth but seconds before. 

It was ChenLe, and really Jungkook did not know how he could ever be so grateful to see someone just as he was about toconfess something that he really should not for the better of the rest of the maknae line. 

"Oh, I am sorry, I did not know that this was occupied. I-I can go..." 

"No!" Jungkook shouted, his Chinese acquaintence tilting his head a bit startled at the forced words leaving the younger boy. 

"Okaaay," ChenLe was confused, Jungkook did not think that he would catch on well  so he merely strode up himself, holding out his arm and staring at ChenLe with big eyes trying to convey everything that he possbily could through that gaze. 

"My name is Jungkook, I...I saw you yesterday. During class. You were with that tall dark haired boy." 

Luckily for Jungkook it would seem the Chenle had managed to catch on fairly well as he grasped the boy's hand. 

"Uh, Yeah, I am Zhong Chenle, the boy with me, he was called ZTao. Well, that is his stage name at least. We are from the Mainland. China. It is good to meet you. I saw you guys as well, in class. Well, of course I did, everyone did. You were really good. Impressive. Maybe you could come teach me sometime?" Jungkook nodded enthusiastically but he was unable to get another word in as Hobi wrapped his arm around his shoulder giving the chinese boy a wide smile. 

"It was nice to meet you ChenLe, but I think perhaps Jungkookie here and I should get going." The young foreigner's eyes popped open and he nodded hastily. 

"Oh, yes, of course, I do apologize for keeping you. It was not my intention." 

"Oh, no, do not fret about it. It was good to get to know you. I'll make sure that Jungkook and you hang out soon enough. That way he can teach you some more if you are really interested. He is quite a good teacher after all, and you seem similar in age, perhaps that will be of some comfort for both of you." Chenle gave a small smile, not realized the doom that he was leaving Jungkook too and simply waved goodbye as he entered one of the public stalls. Hobi steered Jungkook into the hallway. 

Jungkook stiffened slightly as Hobi leaned down to whisper in his ear, "Interesting, how confident you have become mhm?" Jungkook almost whimpered at the statement. 

He was in so much trouble.

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