Untitled Part 23

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Taehyung let out a breath of air when Jin left the room. "That was close," Jungkook muttered under his breath just as Taehyung relaxed slightly. Jin was definitely suspcious but at least he would not ask too many questions...yet. He would probably just wait for Hobi or Suga and sic them on the three, but until then they were able to keep mum...hopefully. Jimin turned to the two of them with a deadpan expression and his arms folded. The two smiled nervously, backing away slightly. Jimin seemed to be in a mood, for whatever reason, which was never good. Jimin's moods could last for ages and they were scary beyond what they had a reason to be. 

"So." He said simply, staring at them. "It is us three against them four. We cannot crack, okay?" He narrowed his eyes at Junkook, who was well known to be the worst at hiding things from the hyungs. He was just...too soft for them. He would try, but he always ended up spilling the secrets that they were supposed to be keeping from them at some point, and it was vital that they did not know about their random excursion out of the dorm. They would be in so much trouble that it would not even be funny. 

Given how much trouble they had gotten into the night before they knew that it was definitely not a good idea to be getting into more trouble so soon. They did not wan the others to think that they were rebelling which...Okay they kind of were but that was definitely not the point. They were doing it for good reasons, so the others would just have to deal with it. 

"Jiminie Hyung," Junkook muttered, sliding up to the eldest of the three of them and hooking his arms around the other's shoulders. "I would never betray the rest of us." Taehyung laughed, coughing to hid it, but Jungkook heard it and turned narrowed eyes onto the other. Taehyung smiled at him, and just shrugged. Jungkook huffed, but moved off Jimin, becoming a bit more serious now. "But, for real. If they figure out that we were hiding things from them?  We are going to be in so much trouble. I..."

"No, no, no, we won't." Taehyung tried to reassure, but Jungkook just pouted and stared at him. 

"We are rebelling against the Hyungs. We have been, for a while, and you know, I think that maybe this is a bad idea. Sure, we have done our fair share of mischief, but this is a different level of mischief." Jimin moved to speak but Jungkook barreled over him before he began. "It is though, you can't say it isn't. We snuck out, didn't tell the Hyungs where we were going, met up with people that we did not know, and snuck back in, and then lied." Jimin rushed over and put his hand over Jungkook's mouth, hissing at him to be quieter. 

"Look, Jungkook, we are only going to get into trouble if they realize that we rebelled, so as long as we do not say anything, they will not know anything, and if they do not know anything then we do not have to worry about it." Jungkook reluctantly nodded. 

His Jimin Hyung was right after all. As long as the Hyungs did not figure it out then they would be perfectly fine. They just had to stick to the plan and then hopefully they would not be too...suspicious. 

"So, we in agreement?" Jimin muttered under his breath as they heard the Hyungs clattering around in the rooms not too far. They were about to come out and Jimin wanted a confirmation that they were all on the same page. Jungkook sighed, still deeply against it, but in the end they both nodded. After all, Jungkook had been the one to say they needed a plan to ensure the Hyungs did not know in the first place, and he knew that as long as they were united in this effort to ensure that their Hyungs did not figure out that they had totally broken a ton of rules, they would be perfectly fine. 

That is, Jungkook was certain, until the doors of the rooms opened and Hobi Hyung walked out the door and turned to look him straight in the eyes and Jungkook could not help but avoid his gaze. Okay, so perhaps this was going to be a bit more difficult then he had previously believed. Especially when that had Taehyung pinching his side and Jimin whacking him atop the head. 

He knew he was the worst at keeping secrets, but he just...he did not like hiding things from his Hyungs. Honestly, he did not really like getting into trouble either, and though they had good intentions they did still break the rules, and it really made Jungkook want to come clean, but he could not. Not this time. He had to be strong. 

Yet, as they began walking down the hall to the Cafeteria, Hobi Hyung walking up to him and slinging an arm around his shoulder as they continued to walk, Jungkook froze a bit...nerves biting through him. The simple act itself made him want to confess, but no. He could do this. He would do this. He would prevail. 

"So, Jungkookie," Hobi said in that voice that said that he knew that Jungkook and the others were hiding something he just did not know what it was that they were hiding but he had every intention of figuring out what it was. Jungkook licked his lips nervously. "Anything you may happen to want to tell your hyung?" He asked, voice curious. Jungkook opened and closed his mouth, battling with his desire to stay quiet and avoid trouble, and his desire to stay out of trouble. 

Luckily for him not a moment later Jimin and Taehyung tugged him from Hobi's grip. Jimin replaced Jungkook and wrapped his own arm around Hobi. 

"Hyung! How did you sleep? You guys were really tired last night, we were kinda worried you would not sleep enough before classes." Jungkook mentally thanked every unknown creature in the universe that Jimin was good at distractions. 

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