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3:26 pm, Wednesday, October 18, 2018

Where could she be going right now?

"I'm not feeling quite well, can I visit the nurse?" I raise my hand.

"Sure," The teacher nods. 

I try to walk casually outside the class, keeping my eye on the window. I run out of the school building and grab my cycle and follow the gas trail left by her bike. Why am I following her? I don't know. What if she sees me? I don't know. What will I say? I don't know. This was such a shitty idea. I pedal faster, now able to see the bike. After about five minutes she stops, my legs feel like jelly. Probably the worst idea I've ever had. I somehow stand up, ignoring the pain, and follow her. Where are we? It looked like we were in the middle of the woods, sky-high trees surrounding a narrow road. I quickly hide my cycle behind a tree, careful not to make any noise. I could barely see her now, I gotta get closer fast, or I'll lose her. I run from one tree to another, ignoring the crunch of the leaves under my foot, I'm too far she won't be able to hear it. 

She's barely 10ft away from me, standing on the edge of the ledge. What is she doing?! She can't be thinking about jumping- I cannot let her jump. I get closer, now 6 feet away. Adrenaline rushing through my veins. I get in a position to run in case she jumps. She lights a cigarette and looks in the direction I'm hiding in. I quickly turn my back and try to hold my breath. I hear footsteps in my direction. My heart feels like it's gonna jump out. The footsteps stop. Is she right behind me? I clench my jaw and shut my eyes, terrified of what's to come next. Then I hear running, but this time not in my direction but the opposite. I almost sigh in relief. D-Did she just run toward the ledge.

"NO! DON'T DO IT!" I scream and run towards the ledge, as she jumps. I grab her hand as she leans over the ledge. 


"I should be asking you that," she smiles and jumps forward onto the ledge. 

"SO THAT WAS ALL AN ACT?!" I scream, catching my breath. 

"Yup, why did you follow me?" She takes a drag of her cigarette. 

Where do I start? Well to be honest I didn't know why 

"My curiosity got the best of me," I sigh. 

"You know what they say, 'curiosity killed the cat'," She blows the smoke on my face. 

"I don't smoke," I say as I cough out the smoke irritating my nostrils and throat. 

"Fun fact, I have asthma," She chuckles. 

"Wow...it wouldn't affect you if you fell off the ledge would it?" 

"Falling off the ledge wasn't in my plans so that would be a bummer," 

"What was your plan? Act like you were jumping off the ledge?" I roll my eyes.

"Wanted to see if the person behind the bushes cared..." 

Silence surrounds us for a few seconds. 

"I knew the person was you," Marybeth says as she stubs the cigarette. 

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