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A/N: I didn't forget to update on here... several times. No, you're imagining things.


Twilight sighed in contentment as he happily consumed Wild's cooking. He really couldn't get over how this kid could make such great food out of just about anything.

They were camped out on Sky's surface world at the moment. Sky had heard some rumors about monsters near Lanayru, so they'd set out as soon as they could. The atmosphere was relatively peaceful, though there was an air of worry for their newest member.

Just last night, Sky had come back from looking for Wild with said hero asleep in his arms with puffy eyes. Neither had elaborated on what had happened. All Sky said was that Wild had confessed some personal things to him. They all knew to drop it at that—if Wild wanted anyone else to know, he'd tell them.

Even still, it worried them how little Wild spoke of his Hyrule and journey. He only talked about his Hyrule when directly asked (though sometimes he now chimed into a conversation with little bits and pieces of how theirs was different from his), and almost never talked about his journey.

He glanced over at Hyrule, who was sharing a story from his travels. Wild seemed to love it when the others told stories. Twilight thought some of them shared stories so Wild would feel more comfortable sharing his own.

"It was a pretty nasty injury. I've still got the scar from it." Hyrule showed them a nasty scar on his shoulder.

"I have a pretty nice stab scar." Green lifted his shirt to show them. "Got it in a fight with..." He trailed off and Vio looked away.

"I had to make someone believe I'd switched sides." Vio spoke up, and the other colors startled a bit.

"Switch sides?" Wild leaned in a bit. "Like a double cross?"

"Exactly." Vio nodded. "But I didn't have time to tell anyone, and I was led into a situation where I needed to kill Green."

Red winced. "It was scary. For a minute, we really didn't know what to think."

"It's incredible the trust you four have for each other." Twilight spoke up. "Even after something like that, you trust Vio with your lives. It speaks volumes about your characters."

The three other colors flushed a bit. "Vio had to injure me, but he was careful to make it non-lethal. He also slipped a potion into my pocket to make sure I'd be okay." Green smiled. "I knew the moment he stabbed me exactly what was going on."

"Even still..." Red looked down and the other three fell quiet.

"Well, yeah. That's how Green got his scar. If one of us is hurt while we're separated, only that individual gets the scar." Vio closed the topic.

"I've got a pretty nice scar on my shoulder." Warriors shifted his armor a bit to show them. It was thick and looked nasty. "It isn't even from my journey, but from my time as a trainee." He chuckled a bit. "See, one of the guys thought it'd be fun to spar with live steel instead of the practice swords—which are dulled for a reason. But they left it mixed in with the normal practice blades. So when I sparred against a knight with more experience, well..." He winced a bit. "He didn't get in trouble, but the kids who were messing with the swords sure did."

"I've got this one on my arm from the time my older brother thought it'd be great fun to shove me down a hill." Hyrule spoke up softly.

"You have a brother?" Wind perked up.

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