Chapter 3: Trust

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR, everybody! Let's hope 2021 is better than 2020 was. And let's also hope that this pandemic ends sometime soon, because I'm starting to go a little stircrazy despite working all the time.

At any rate, I bring thee a new chapter of my LU fic, Alone We Fight. I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out the next chapter, so the next update may take a bit.

On another note, I have a New Year's Challenge for everyone! I challenge you to do one act of random kindness each month! It could be something simple like complimenting someone or having a conversation with someone (or even making a gift!). Or it could be paying for some stranger's coffee. Whatever it may be, do it for someone you don't know. If we want a kinder world, we must first put that kindness we wish to see into the world ourselves. Become the change you'd like to see in the world. (unless, of course, that change involves Ganon taking over the world, in which case please don't).

To my Hetalia fans: I have not forsaken you. I am still working on my Hetalia stories, I promise. (just very... very slowly)

To my BnHA fans: I updated a few stories just last week, y'all know I'm not dead. :P

To my Rise of the Guardians readers (however few you may be): I will update the story.... eventually. I just need to figure out how to go about the movie scenes without infringing on copyright stuff that'll get the story taken down.

That said, Please enjoy this new chapter!


The morning dawned dim and cold with a light drizzle still hazing the outside world. Time mentally sighed as he stretched his aching bones and rubbed out his throbbing joints. He hated growing old. For a moment, he eyed his sleeping protégé with mild envy. Ah, to be young again.

A sudden urge that he'd rarely felt since childhood made itself known in his mind. For a moment, he thought about being mature and ignoring the thought.

But where was the fun in that? He smirked to himself as he went to the window and held out a mug, catching the cold water falling off the eaves outside. It may have been rather juvenile, but even Time was a kid at heart. Sometimes.

It didn't take much. Unlike Legend, who would torment Warriors by dumping the entire contents of the cup on the captain, Time just dripped a few tiny droplets on the scalp of the sleeping hero.

After a few minutes of repeating the action, Twilight shivered, and abruptly startled awake. Time hid his smirk behind the cup of water, pretending to take a drink. Twilight glared at him, hand itching his damp scalp.

Who said Time couldn't play pranks? Just because he was the most responsible didn't mean he was always as stern as they made him out to be. Contrary to popular belief, Time played pranks—he was just sneakier about it.

"Good, you're awake. We should head out soon. The others should be waking before long."

"You poured water on me." Twilight accused.

"I did nothing of the sort." Time denied, face impassive. It wasn't a lie—he didn't pour water on him... He dripped water on him. "Perhaps the roof has a leak?" Twilight glanced towards the roof with uncertainty as Time left the room with a low chuckle.

As expected, most of the others were awake and in the lobby. Wild had even managed to awaken Sky—mostly. The boys tended to be a tad earlier to rise when they slept in a safe environment, like an inn.

Alone We FightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang