Welcome to Skyloft

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A/N: Well, I've never updated from mobile, but I wanted to give you all an update nonetheless. So hopefully, there won't be any issues with this haha.

This chapter is supposed to be sad/bittersweet. Grab your tissues if you're prone to tears. This is your warning.

Sky moaned softly as he slowly became aware of the waking world. No he did not want to get up. He was perfectly comfortable where he was, curled up in his blankets. His limbs were so comfy that they might as well have ceased to exist, and he was this close to sinking back into his dream of pumpkin stew and lazy afternoon flights with Crimson.

But no . The sound of voices was stronger than the pull of sleep, and Sky managed to pry one eye open to take in the bleary scene of Legend yelling at Warriors for some prank the captain had pulled. Sky wasn't sure if he wanted to be angry or cry, because he felt like he got twenty minutes of sleep.

He could really use a nap.

"Ah, you're up." Time sent him a small smile. "Wild's got breakfast ready. You should grab some."

Maybe it was because Sky was the 'oldest' of them all, but Time always seemed to let down some of his guard around him. It made him feel special. Like he was the dependable older brother.

Though if that were the case, then Time would definitely be everyone's dad, and Sky was sure as hell not going to come right out and say what everyone already knew.

Despite his want for sleep, his body's need for food was inevitably greater. He sighed as he hauled himself to his feet, limbs still somewhat shaky and numb with slumber. He stumbled over to the logs set out by the campfire, sleepily nodding or flopping his hand in an attempt of a wave at anyone who greeted him.

He sighed as he sank down into his seat, rubbing the grains of sleep from his eyes. A tired yawn escaped him as something poked his arm. He blinked a couple times before realizing Legend had poked him with his plate. "Eat. Food. Here." He held out the plate and it took Sky a moment longer for his sleep addled brain to understand what the hero wanted.

"Thanks." He mumbled around the cotton in his mouth as he took the plate with both hands. No sense in risking it hitting the ground rather than his mouth.

It took him a couple of bites before the flavor started to register, but when it did, his brain actually started to wake up a little. So when a familiar scarred hand held a mug of dark liquid out to him, he was quick to recognise that as Wild. He tilted his head in confusion.

"It's coffee. Figured it'd help." Wild explained.

"Coffee?" Sky tilted his head as Legend snorted.

"It's a bitter drink that helps people wake up." The veteran explained. "We've got it in my Hyrule and a few neighboring countries."

"Bitter, huh?" He grimaced.

"I mixed in some sugar to make it sweeter for you." Wild explained, holding it out towards him. Sky took it with a sense of trepidation.

"It won't bite." Time chuckled. "I drink coffee all the time at home. It really helps."

That made him feel a lot better. He took a tentative sip, feeling the hot semi-bitter liquid wash down his throat. It really didn't taste half bad. After a few larger sips, he started to feel more alert and aware.

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