He towered over the pit, holding a spade in his hand. "I'll give you three options, Snowflake. One, I'll throw this dirt on you and bury you alive. Two, I'll leave you alone in the pit and let the wild animals have you for breakfast. Three, I'll rescue you from the pit, but then you'll have to do whatever I ask you to and that means accepting the punishment. Which one is it going to be, Pet?"

"You're the only reason I'm here in the first place! You sadistic bastard!"

"Now, now, there's no reason for you to abuse your Master." He said cooly, wearing a grin on his face, "You call me another filthy word, and you'll regret it. I can promise you that."

"Sadistic motherfucker!"

He laughed, "okay, which ones are you gonna choose? Haven't got all night."

"Option three."

He turned away, leaving me to look at nothing. He slid something down the pit. When the thing descended, I noticed what it was.

A chair with a harness.

I put both my legs into either side of it and sat down. It was like a swing, for a minute, I thought Gage changed his mind and the asshole would rather bury me.

Minutes later, I felt a harsh tug on the rope and was pulled out of the pit like I weighed nothing more than a feather.

As soon as I was out, he picked me up into his arms, holding me to his chest, I thumped my fists over his hard body.

"I want to go home!" I moaned.

"That's where I'm taking you."

More tears spilled out of my eyes.

He kicked open the door of the house and walked through the hallway into a room with a mattress on the floor and a door to what I assumed was a bathroom.

Other than the bed and a lone chair, the room was bare with no other furniture.

He threw me onto the mattress and captured my right wrist into a leather padded cuff that was linked to the wall.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't answer me. He never did. He only spoke when he wanted to.

He stood up and disappeared out of the door while I sat there on the mattress wondering what was going to happen next.

Gage appeared into the room again holding a couple of stuff that'll I was too scared to look at.

He had a black leather collar with a name tag hanging over it.

It read 'Snowflake'

A legit pet collar.

He placed it around my neck and clicked it into place.

"Take off your shorts." He demanded.


I felt the sting of his slap against my face.

He wasn't smiling this time. "I'm a little hard-handed when pets don't obey. Take off your shorts."

With shaky hands, I reached for the shorts and slid them down.

"That's a good girl." He said, "Turn around, kneel and spread your legs."

Fear splintered into my heart.

With a weak voice, I asked, "What are you going to do to me?"

"Do as I say. From here forward your answers are going to be 'Yes master and please master.′ I don't want to hear the word 'No.'"

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