Chapter 15

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Klaus' POV

I can't get it out of my head I knew I had a second daughter but We all thought she had been killed by the witches as soon as she was born. All I can keep thinking is how did I not know. I felt it I could tell when Hope triggered her curse but with this girl, she clearly has triggered at least her werewolf curse if not her vampire one too but I didn't feel anything. Do I not have any bond with my second daughter.

I just need to get to know her
I walk downstairs to find my dear sister

Me: dear Freya would you be able to get us into my second daughter's memories again
F: if i channel you, Hayley and Hope possibly but she seems to have blocking, protection and clocking spells over her and I'm pretty sure the people we saw so things might be blurry
Me: very well how long will it take for you to get set up
F: About five minutes

——/ 5 minutes later /——

We are all stood inside circle with a bowl of mine,Hayley and Hope's blood while Freya channels us we then get sucked into the same corridor as last time

H: so we just open a door
R: yes how about things one

Rebekah opened a door and we all got sucked into a memory

The girl looked to be around the age of 5 or 6
And we were all standing in a crowded street she was holding a mans hand while they were walking it looked like the same man from the other memory

D: Daaaad
Man: yes love

I could feel my blood boil when she called him dad and I could tell the others were watching me.

D: I can't see
Man: do you want to go on my shoulders

The girl got visibly exited and started jumping up and down

D: yes yes yes
Man: what do we say first
Man: ok

They went to the side of the path and he picked her up and put her on his shoulders

D: when is mum gonna be back

We all looked at Hayley she looked a mix of anger and sadness

Man: soon she's just in that shop getting us a snack before we go back to the hotel
D: yay food are you going to eat when we get back
Man: yes but it's ok because I got it from the hospital
D: ok I don't mind as long as you are ok
Man: I know love and I am
D: good ooo look mum

The girl runs over to her and hugs her

Then we get sucked out of the memory and back into the hallway

E: brother Hayley are you two ok
Me: fine
H: um yeah
F: we probably have enough time for one more but her spells are strong 

This time I chose the door as soon as I opened it we were in a forest

The girl looked about 7 years old now she was  walking up to a house and knocked on the door
The boy they had seen before who looked about 10 opened the door

T: oh hey D you ok
D: um I need to tell you something

They go into his house and go up to the boys room

She started explaining that her, V and Sunshine are supernatural.

At first the boy was shocked then he got really exited and thought it was awesome
She was surprised he wasn't scared but he just wanted to know how many of us there were and what exactly they are

She told him she was a tribrid: wolf,vampire and witch V is a witch and Sunshine is a vampire

The boy thought it was so cool and said it didn't change anything because they were best friends

D: T there's something else V and sunshine they um aren't—

We got pulled out of the memory and we're now back in the compound

Me: what happened
F: someone kicked me out I think they know what we were doing I can't even get close anymore
Ho: so that's it
H: no hope we will find her
E: and we will get her back because family is always and forever
Me: now we just have to figure out who 'V' and 'Sunshine' are and maybe we can get them to tell her that she should be with us

Hi sorry it took a while I went camping for a few days because schools finished for the year and I couldn't write or update because there wasn't any Wifi. Hope you like it.
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