Pietro: Yes?

Soldier: Could you please come with us?

Pietro nodded and followed the soldiers out of the hallway, he noticed the hallways were deathly quiet, due to the fact Shadow had declared war on Atlas.

But as they turned to the hangar, he was confused as to why he was being told to enter.

Pietro: I'm sorry, but where are you taking me?

The door closed and Pietro got his answers.

The soldiers tapped their armor and their disguises dissipated. The holograms turned off to reveal Twilitian soldiers.

Soldier: I'm sorry for the confusion, but the king needs to see you immediately.

Pietro: Well... we shouldn't keep him waiting should we?

The soldiers nodded and they flew the disguised Atlesian ship out of the hangar. Quickly activating the stealth technology as soon as they could.


The landed in a personal hangar on the outskirts of the wall surrounding the city.

He was quickly hurried into a lab, where he saw Shadow standing over a medical table.

Shadow: Mr. Polendina, thank Oum.

Shadow moved and Pietro saw the remains of his daughter.

Pietro: Oh my...

Shadow: I saved what I could, and had my best scientist stabilize her.

Dr. Doof: Hello, I'm Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.

Pietro: Hello, thank you for saving my daughter.

Dr. Doof: I did what I could.

Penny: S-Shadow?... I...I-Is father there?

Pietro: Yes honey, I'm right here.

Penny slowly lifted her head, using her good eye to see her father, making her smile warmly.

Dr. Doof: I was impressed greatly by your work, but I did not want to damage her further by accident.

Shadow left the two alone as Penny laid back down on the table.

Shadow gave her one last look, before closing the door behind him.


Atlas waited for the eventual storm, knowing that it was inevitable.

What they didn't expect was a literal storm to surround the Twilitian fleet as it arrived.

Shadow clapped his hands and the clouds cleared, revealing the still cloaked warships.

One by one, Atlas watched as almost the entire Twilitian fleet uncloaked infront of the city, and they scrambled to send out their soldiers.

Shadow's own dreadnaught was the last to uncloak, it's canons beginning to power on.

Large purple blasts of energy were fired out of the canons, flying straight towards Atlas, and spreading once in contact with the hardlight shields.

The Grimm with a soulWhere stories live. Discover now