Lots of pain killers and a flower bud

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Everything hurts right now. I couldn't move anything on the hard ground. "Geez jashin can you hurry up" I complained
'These things take time especially since he slashed your damn spine' "well sorry he is a literal demon" I said
'We'll I thought you knew that since you acted all high and mighty' I scoff at jashin and just wait
It took about a hour till I could finally move. "Finally, everything else still hurts but I can move" I said getting up
I look around at all the broken porch on the ground. "Hopefully they don't find out" I said
I limp to the woods as I slowly made my way to the owl house as jashin healed me. I was in the middle of the woods on a dirt path. The walk seemed to be like hours since I couldn't use any magic right now. "Now I really miss shadow step like could he have not broken my arm" I babbled as I just kept walking down the path.
I saw a clearing and took a break in it. I tried making a spell but it just glitched and puffed into smoke. "I ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS RIGHT NOW DAMN IT" I yell
'Just a few more minutes and your good alright now stop yelling' "well sorry that everything that could hit the fan right now has literally hit it. Literally nothing could make this worse" I said
I heard a branch break. I look around frantic. "Oh come on I just had to talk" I said
I had nothing to protect myself right now, this is the worse time for this to happen. "I swear if you don't show your face I'll bash it in" I said with both my fist up
I was ready to fight Titan at this point....or become him. Then the figures walked out to reveal Willow and boscha. "Oh thank titain its you guys" I said putting my fist down
"What happened to you big bean" Boscha asked
"A fight that got out of hand real quick...that's all" I said
I look at the two with suspicion. "More importantly what are you two doing" I asked
I look at there faces as they have a faint blush I could clearly see with both my eyes working. "Oh so that's what's going on here" I smirked
"I-it might be" "HA WIONNA OWES ME A HUNDRED SNAILS NOW" I yell in victory
"Wait you bet on us getting together" boscha said
I nod my head in pride. "Yes dear three eyes I did. And it was a easy one at that. I even saw it with a blind eye" I said
We all just sit there in the clearing. "So what are you gonna do" Willow ask
"First I have to wait for either my magic to work or finally heal from near death then I will get back to the owl house to cuddle with Lucia since I bet she will be yelling at me when I get back. What about you two" I ask
Willow was about to say something but Boscha stopped her. "What do you wanna know about it" Boscha asked with a brow raised
"Oh just wondering how low standards you have" I said
Boscha had a flame in her fist. "ILL HAVE YOU KNOW WILLOW IS THE BEST GIRLFRIEND YOU CAN GET SINCE YOU CLEARLY CAN SEE STRAIGHT YO-" "I was talking to Willow. But I do admit it's sweet" I said
Willow was holding back her laughter as Boscha cooled down now. "Thanks b but I think you should just sit down for a sec" Willow said
Boscha looked at me then to Willow and mumbled a few curses to herself as she sat on a stump. 'Well ody I got you fixed up enough to hopefully make it back to the owl house and hopefully not shadow step us into a tree' 'thanks' "we'll girls I think I'm in a good enough state to use magic so I'll be seeing you around" I said
"Bye Oden tell luz and eda I said hi" Willow said
"I will. Also Boscha, if you make once mistake with my little flower bud there you'll have a whole mafia and two protective older siblings trying to kill you. Am I clear" I said
My eyes were glowing crimson red as my fangs grew larger and a sadistic smile creeped on my face. "Y-yes sir" boscha said scared half to death
I then went back to my normal self. "Good and also just call me Oden. Sir makes me feel old" I said
I make a stable spell and shadow step away. Leaving the two to there little romance. When I was out of the shadow step i was thrown into a wall and landed on the couch . "We'll that's.......dandy" I said
I rub my head and lay back on the couch. "Why is my luck like this" I ask myself
I heard a lot of steps coming down and then everyone saw me. "Yeah glad y'all could finally see my sad sorry almost dead self." I said throwing my hands up
Wionna just looked at me in disappointment as she rubbed the bridge of her nose, eda was just shaking her head drinking her apple blood, luz was rubbing for the medical supplies, and Lucia had a chalaca in her hand. "Oh no. Hey Lucia i can tell your mad but can you please put the weapon down" I was fearful of her right now
I could just feel the anger radiating off her. Wait is that a fire glyph on the sandal. "L-Lucia baby hey please I'm sorry just put the weapon down please I'm begging you" I pleaded
"Do you know how worried I was blight I swear you could have died. For good this time. I saw that lightning from miles away. Oh you won't believe how mad I am at you" Lucia explained
She tapped the glyph and it set ablaze I stood up from the couch. "Lucia I can't use magic so I can't take that right now. Jashin has a hard time healing me as is so please noceda just put it down" I said
She wasn't listening as she raised it up. I was running now getting behind cover. "Get back here you stupid cat" Lucia yelled
She was running at me as I was running for my life. "Why are you so much like Camilla when your mad." I said
"We'll someone had to get it and you know luz doesn't have it so guess who got it all" Lucia said
I didn't know where she was, I was scared for my life. Can I face belos instead of noceda right now. I heard foot steps above me. I froze in place. I slowly look up to see her above me, flaming chalaca in hand. She's just standing there....MENACINGLY. I tried running but there was a ice glyph that held me in place. I look over to see luz. Glyph in hand, "luz why, I thought you were on my side" I said
"Yeah but you did have us worried and you need to know that Oden" luz said to calm
I shivered, that's where the rest of her anger went. And that scared me a child had that much power. "Now blight you are going to stand there and know what you did" Lucia said
"Lucia Lucia please NOOOOO" I yelled

After a major punishment from both nocedas

I was now on the couch in even more pain, with more burn marks as luz was wrapping me up and putting some healing glyphs on me. "You shouldn't have ran. It wouldn't have been as bad" wionna said shaking her head
"We'll you try standing still when two angry latinas are chasing you and then come talk to me" I said pouting
I just lay on the couch and slowly lose consciousness again. "I blame this on you noceda" I said
"Your a noceda too" Lucia said
"Yeah yeah I know" I said finally going black

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