beasts and dancing

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Привет everyone, as you can see I still live and am everyone's problem. And since I had a good birthday I have had many breakthroughs with this story in my solitude. Also I will wait on the q and a when we get more questions so everyone reading please put some questions for the characters in this book and other books I have made. So let this chapter begin.


I woke up to the ceiling of my room, crystal chandelier, and red silk curtains. I get up and start my record player. "The lost chord, the lost chord... I go harder HARDER" I sung out as I got ready for the day
I felt a heat in my chest for a second but it subsided so I ignored it for now. I go down the stairs to see my three siblings and there at the bottom all looking at me. "What is it, did I do something wrong. I thought I covered it up good" I said
"No silly, do you know what day it is" emira asked
"Nooo?" I question my answer as if it was wrong
"It's your birthday" everyone said
It then hit me, "huh I guess it is" I said
I then walk past them to the kitchen. "Aren't you exited" Edric asked
"No" I said making coffee.
My three siblings looked confused, "but why, today's a special day for you. Birthdays are enjoyable and fun. Why can't you be exited for it" Edric asked
I sigh heavily, "well Edric it goes a little something like this, inside me on my birthday each year it's like a grom night, but with something that can destroy the island as we know it. I have to fight it alone" I said pouring a cup of coffee
Then amity remembered something, "Crap that happens today, like it has to be today that you do it" amity asked worried
"Yeah unless I was like 'oh screw the the island let's release a demon so powerful that even the Titian had to use a powerful spell to even suppress it" I said sarcastically
"No don't do that but tonight is not the best night to be fighting it since it's actually grom night" amity said
"Like....tonight tonight like we can't move that to like a tomorrow and ask the fear bringer nicely oh could you like wait in line behind a more powerful monster.....tonight" I ask
"YES THAT NIGHT" amity yelled
I run a hand through my hair. "Geez what a night this will be, this can go one of three ways. One, the grom royalty is me and I have to fight two very powerful beast at once alone, Two, the two beast fight each other and I or grom royalty face one monster, or they team up and I'm screwed and the island is doomed." I explained
They all look at me with stress in there eyes, "well, I guess you could say it's a great night to live" Edric joked
Amity and Emira hit him on the head, "not now Edric" they said
"Ok ok I'll stop with the jokes for now" Edric said rubbing the hit mark
We then heard dad, "Children, come to the office. Now"
"Great make things worse for me than i already need" I said pouring a bigger cup of coffee
The four of us go to his office. "father what is it" I said tired still drinking another sip
"As the four of you know, especially oden it's his birthday. But since it is grom night and he is sure to be grom king, we will hold a party in his honor of his 19th birthday." Alador explained
'Great it's not as bad as I thought' 'you still have the problem of grometheus and the skin walker' 'great thanks for reminding me- WAIT DID YOU SAY SKIN WALKER' great that doesn't seam not threatening at all. "That sounds great father" Emira said
"And as such I am inviting more guards so that it can be secure for this special event since we still have that killer on the lose" father said
Ha still can't put together the pieces old man. "Yes that would be terrible if he showed up." I said somewhat sarcastically that sounded serious enough
We walked out and headed for school. I saw luz and her little gang of friends with Lucia tagging along in the back. Ed and em split off to there friends so me and amity go to luz and her gang. "Hey luz" amity said
I could see a little blush on her face. I chuckled to myself and she gave me a side glare to stop. "Yo blight" Lucia said waving to me
I started to heat up a little on my face. I could see the smug look on amity's face. I also gave her a little glare. "Sup noceda, so you got yourself a little gang I see" I said
"Yeah, the little shrimps are kinda fun to hang around, boring, but fun" Lucia said
"Hey we're not that boring we just got nothing interesting going on" Gus defended
"And what do y'all consider interesting" Lucia asked with a cocked brow
"Well how bout fighting the bat queen" Willow said
"Dang that takes guts, especially her annoying chores- I MEAN, trials" I said trying not to remember her disgusting things she called children
"Jeez that lady, her children look like if joe Biden had a baby and only fed them garbage and threw them in the street in a box that says 'if any depressed person wants to get more depressed take these'" Lucia roasted
I was trying not to laugh because I could just see that happening. "I can see it they do" I finally cracked and started to laugh
Then the intercom went off. "Hello students, today as you know is the yearly grom dance and each year a student is picked to be grom royalty, and this years is.....amity blight, have a good day" bump announced
I then looked mad. "Oh no no no, this ain't passin by me, not without a fight" I said running down to bumps office. "Oh not without me your not" Lucia said behind me with a bat in hand. I got to the door and Lucia busted it open with her bat "BUMP YOU SON OF A GUN YOU BETTER EXPLAIN WHAT YOU SAID ON THAT INTERCOM" I yelled with a flame in hand with Lucias bat raised
"I could have you too expelled for that you know that right" bump said
"I can give two craps if you expell me or not but your not making amity fight that thing, she is going through to much to do that" I said
"Like all that trauma of losing her brother and not very two bright parents making it worse" Lucia added
"Well rules are rules" bump said
He used a spell to float us out and fix the door slamming it in our faces. "BUNP OPEN THIS DOOR NOW" I said trying to knock it down again but it wasn't budging
I had a fist of flames and I kept punching the door and the more I punched it the more my blue flames turned black. "Oden calm down, your losing yourself" Lucia warned pointing to the flames
I look at my hand and look deep into the black flames. I sigh and extinguish the flames. "Sorry, I just think this is what amity needs right now" I said
Lucia put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry we will find a way to help." Lucia assured
I just nod and walk away to my first period with anger boiling. But before I get there I slip a note into lucias locker

Mystery boy (a owl house story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant