Waves are rising

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I opened my eye too the manor with the party lights still on. And again I can't see out of my left eye. "Dang it I wish that stayed" I said
'Can you focus for once' "oh yeah the thing" I said
I turned around and started walking to bonesbrough. When I arrived I was infront of a big factory. I changed my hair color to silver and walked in, people were working on magic inventions and some goo for abominations. "Alright everyone, whoever doesn't want to turn to ash tonight get out before I start" I said with blue flames in hand
Everyone ran out and I started to burn and wreck everything. When I was done I walked out and the place collapsed. "Next stop boschas" I said
I used a shadow transport spell and when I got out I was infront of a mansion a little smaller than ours. I walked to the front door and knocked and before they opened it I changed back to green hair. It opened to boschas mom. "Why hello Oden why are you here aren't you supposed to be at your party" boschas mom asked
"One not my idea two I wanted to give you a proposition that could benefit both of us" I said
"And what would that be" she asked
"The downfall of my parents" I said
She seemed surprised at first but opened the door more. "Come on in" she said
I walked in and I sat in what is supposedly there living room. Then boschas dad comes in. "Would you like some tea" he asked
I nodded and he poured me a glass. I thanked him and got down to business. "So what is this about the downfall of your parents" she asked
"I want to take everything they have. I just got done with the factory so the next thing is making there status go into chaos and then finally taking everything leaving them with nothing" I explained
"So what do we get out of this" he asked
"You get 35% of the company's funds and y'all can run it deepening your pockets in cold hard cash" I said sipping some tea
"Just from helping you" he asked
"I can make it 40 if it makes you take the offer" I said
"Yes we'll do it. We can gather up some of our spy's and gather some black mail and send some to the bonesbrough news putting them in a deeper hole" she said
"I don't care what you do just make it so bad that they have to resort to me for help" I said
They nodded and I drank the last of my tea and got up. "Thanks for your business. Just call me on your scroll if needed. And one more thing" I said at the door
"Do you know of anyone by the name salix" I asked
"Yes we do" he said
"Do you know where they might be" I ask
"Go into the night market and go to a alley way you'll see a sign held up by a plant. That's where they are" he said
I nod and walk out the door. I wave my finger in the air with a golden circle glowing, I transport through the shadows of the night to go deep within bonesbrough to a alley way. "Where are you" I ask
I hear a growl behind me and I look to see a plant with teeth. "My my how you have grown big girl"I said scratching its chin as it leaned into it.
"Now where's salix" I ask
The plant moved some vines revealing a door. It was locked so I did the only reasonable thing anyone would do.

"FIRE BOLT" I yell
i shoot a bolt of lightning that made flames and it busted down the door sending it flying. I walk in and I was met with vines tangling me. "Wow salix what a way to greet a old friend" I said
"Well if my old friend didn't bust down the door with a fire bolt and give me a heart attack you wouldn't be there ody" Wionna said letting me down

 "Wow salix what a way to greet a old friend" I said"Well if my old friend didn't bust down the door with a fire bolt and give me a heart attack you wouldn't be there ody" Wionna said letting me down

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