The meeting of two partys

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I was washing off all the gunk that I got from the battle in a river I found. I then look in the reflection to see my scar with my red eye's. I sigh and get the contacts out showing my blind eye and golden eye.After I got done with that I reversed my hair back to green even though I should just keep it brown but I feel like it's normal to do it since Mother said that I should have her hair. I should stop but it's just a force of habit at this point. I go back to the cave and try to find some clean clothes but in the process found a white suit. "Oh, how did you get here" I ask myself
It was the suit I wore to prom at high school since Camilla said that it would be a good experience. Even though I had no date but I made many friends that day. But I put it away since it's not one of those occasions. But I do find a good out fit. It was a pair of converses with ripped blue jeans, a black shirt and a forest green cargo jacket. "Now this is a outfit" I said as I put it on
I grab my guitar and abominations pot and head to the hill. But as I get there I start to get a call on my scroll. "Hello this is Joseph Taurus on the phone""oh Joseph it's me Emira, I was wondering where the location was" "oh yeah kinda need to know that. Oden said to meet him at the last place you saw him. He said you would know what he's talking about" "yeah regretfully I do" "good well I won't be there since I have to do something but hope it goes well" "thanks again and see you tomorrow"
I hung up and started to go to the spot. When I arrived I could see they made a bench there. "Guess amity wanted that so she could talk to me" I sighed knowing this shouldn't have happened
"In my opinion you should have just killed your supposed parents" he said
"Oh shut up, aren't they the reason your in me" I barked
"True but they were...challenging when I was trying to make a deal with them" he said
"A wha- you know what I'm just gonna ignore that as I want to see my siblings in peace alright" I asked
"Fine I will leave you alone. But you might have more company later on" he said
I ignored the last part as I thought that he was trying to get to me. I sit down and look at the almost endless sea of boiling water. "Still can't believe something so beautiful can be so deadly" I said to myself
I then hear a twig snap behind me and a gasp. "Glad y'all could make it. I was wondering if Taurus was telling the truth or not" I said
"Oden is it really you" Edric said
I stand up then face them. "The one and only. Who do you think is to stubborn to die" I joked
The ran and hugged me as I hugged back
"How have you two been you doofuses" I said
"Great but now it's better with you back" Emira said
"Yeah, but damn you look like you have been through a lot" Edric said looking at my scars on my face
I trail my main one on my face with my finger. "Yes Edric, the only thing that constantly reminds you that you neared death" I said
"But hey now that your back you can come back to the manor. Everything will be like the good old times like before" Emira said
I remembered a bad memory when I messed up on a important speech when I was practicing I was beat. That's when I was four. "I'm sorry em but not right now. I gotta finish something before then" I said
"What would that be" Edric asked
I sigh, we'll what am I going to say 'oh nothing just brutally murder our parents' no that would raise even more questions. "I have to make sure that I can come back without you three being hurt any more. So I can make sure we're all safe to do what we want for good. Just ask amity and she will explain" I say
They cried as they hugged me like they don't want to let go. "I know it's hard but trust me. I will be with you three" I said
"Why don't you just come back" Edric asked
"Status, public view, money that's all they care about. Not us just that. That's why I'm not coming back" I said
I looked into there eyes with my one good one. "If things start to look dangerous for any reason to you take your sisters and run. Protect them with everything. Edric can I trust you with this" I ask
"Yeah Oden you can. I'll do anything for Emira and amity" Edric says
I nod. "Also Emira make sure Edric doesn't do anything stupid" I say
She laughed. "I got it. It's what I have to do everyday" Emira laughed
"Will we see you soon" they both asked
"You will. And when you do we will be a big happy family again. Just like it was but better" I say
They let go and wave goodbye to me as they head back to the manor.
I sit back down on the bench looking at the infinite sea once again. "Now can we talk" he says
"Fine but after all these years I never got who my annoyances name is" I say
"Oh that's easy it's jashin" jashin says
"Finally now I can say go shove a stick up your crack" I said
"Jeez who taught you that language" jashin says
"Your mother" I say
"Oh that's quite funny you say that actually" jashin says
"Now why would that be" I say
"Since your about to have a little family reunion yourself" jashin laughed
"What's that supposed to mean" I ask
I then feel a change in the wind. I look behind to see a big abomination hand towering over me. "Abomination rise" I command
A abomination hand with flaming claws come out of my pot and holds the other arm back. "Good to see your still good at abominations. And those reflexes are astounding" a hated voice says
"Alador you sick son of a gun. I should kill you right now but then I know that prickly wife of yours will kill me right after with that ghost right behind me" I say as I then make a fist of white fire as I punch it away
"Oh good your still good at your phantom fire. Glad I taught you that now aren't you" Olidia said
"No still hate it" I say
"Now you get that family reunion joke" jashin said
"Yeah yeah jashin now shut up" I said
"Oh you still have him" alador states
"Yeah he is a huge pain in the crack but he does get the job done when I need a little boost every once in a while" I say
Alador retracts his abomination hand as I do too. "So how's life now son" Alador asked
"No neither of you don't get to call me son. Not after you both killed me" I said
"Now what ever do you mean it wa-" "a stray magic blast yea yea that is a load of crap, I know what happened. You didn't raise a stupid child" I scoffed
"Well, glad we succeeded at that. Now you can be top of class in the emperors coven with your siblings. Titian knows you might even become the next leader" Olidia said
"I know what your doing Olidia. Trying to butter me up to come back to you just so you can manipulate me for your own gain." I said
"Ugh now why would I do that" Olidia states obviously getting annoyed by the second
"Because, your status in society will sky rocket if all your children are in the emperors coven. Especially if I'm leader of it. I know your games. I know all the things you've done just to get where you are. I know it all" I said
The tension was rising by the second. Just like my rage boiling up more and more, just waiting to kill her and Alador and be done with it. " I see you still dye your hair. Still hanging on to that after all the things you have defied us in" Olidia says
"Yeah it's kinda hard not to when you get it beat into you to do it" I say
"But why, it's been four years and you still do it. I think you still love us deep down Oden. Just admit it. It can all be like before" she says
That was the last straw. "Just like before huh. All the beatings, insults, burned I had to do to get out of your control, every single day. Is that what you mean. Just like how you constantly yell at Ed and em, how you constantly beat amity for a STUPID GRADE IS THAT WHAT YOU MEAN" I yell
My golden eye starts turning light purple. "Come on Oden little more" Olidia says to herself
"Then do it" Olidia says
"W-what" I stutter
"Since you hate me that much kill me and Alidor right here and now" Olidia says
"Why are you so calm. Your facing death straight in the face like I did all those years ago and you don't bat a eye. What do you got up your sleeve" I ask
"Oh how disappointing it would be if..oh I don't know... your siblings just die by a fatal accident" Olidia says
"What did you do" I ask anger rising by the second
"Oh I just had some mercenaries at the house and when they know I die, your siblings will die  with me" Olidia said
"YOUR INSANE" I yell with blue flames on my arms
"But who is making the decision right now" Olidia asked
She starts to walk towards me. "It's all in your hands right now my dearest son. Either end your internal suffering with killing me and your siblings. Or just come back and listen to me" she said as she was now in my face
"What will it be" Olidia asked
"Yes what will it be. Or let me go out for once and deal with this little problem" jashin said
"Hell no I'm not letting you out. You will kill everyone yourself" I said in my mind
"Well it's a gamble, lose your insanity by living with her or end it all for a happy ever after with your siblings" jashin proposed
I sigh, I can't. She's got me in a corner. Like always, "fine...let's go home....Mother" I said as my flames died
Just like my hope

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