Birthdays and destruction

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It was the next day and it was lunch time at school. I had dark bags under my eyes and was barely awake. My hair grew out immensely for some reason and now it's length is to my shoulders. I had a bun at the top again. Everyone looked at me like I was a zombie, I might be at this point. "Um...oden you ok there buddy" luz asked
She tapped my shoulder and I jerked up and had a ball of blue flames in hand. "WHERE IS IT" I yelled
I looked around and saw no skin walker, "wait where is it" I ask squinting
"Oden its over, you killed it remember" amity said
"Oh yeah, we did" I said
"We...who's we" amity said
"Oh just me and my girlfriend" I said
I then sat there but my eyes went wide for what I said, "WAIT I DIDN-" "oh and who is this girlfriend Oden" luz said wiggling her eyebrows
"Sup losers and cat boy" Lucia said
She also had bags under her eyes, she then sat on my lap like nothing and I didn't care. This is nothing new now. "Seriously, you could have had higher standards" amity said
"HEY ILL HAVE YOU-" "I was talking to Lucia" amity said
I was obliterated by that, my life has ended just that second. "He's good enough for me" she said
She then started to rub my head which was oddly satisfying. "And that's why" she said
I could see amity about to make a joke but I glared at her. "Say one word of this to anyone not at the table and I talk about your diary with your little noceda" I said
She instantly shut her mouth, "that's what I thought" I said enjoying my rubs
Then the bell rung for the next class. "Thanks blight" I said
"Your welcome noceda" Lucia said
She got off me and I slowly got up. "Hey one more thing" I said
She stopped to look at me. "What" "you think you can help with a song for the party" I ask
"Yeah sure, Clint Eastwood right?" She asked
"That's the one" I said
I waved her goodbye and went to classes that I might have slept through till the day was over.

Back at the manor

I was helping around with the stage setting up equipment with my siblings. Connecting power to the speakers and running aux chords to the instruments and when I was doing the mic amity asked me "hey Oden, so we know what type of music you love and you live a lot of it but... what about the ones you hate"
"Well sis I can't say I hate a type of music to most but when I do I mean it like how I hate new rap" I said
"So will you ever sing it if you have to" Ed asked
"Not for myself no but if it was for y'all I might if life threatening but I made myself a vow to never sing it. So if I ever do sing it that ain't me, it probably is one of Ed or Em's stupid illusions" I said
"Hey there not stupid" the twins said
I gave them a 'are you sure about that look'. I waved my finger making a golden spell circle and a illusion showed up

"Now that was a good illusion" I said proud
Ed and Em looked at me disgusted at the meme, "this is just terrible" Emira said
"No it's art" I said
I got a slap to the head "ow what was that for" I ask
"Because we have a job to do right now for your birthday party" amity said carrying a box
"The one I didn't ask for" I corrected
I made a spell that lit the torches in the room lighting it. Amity then added a spell that made balls of light that floated to the ceiling to look like stars. "Learn that from your little girlfriend" Edric asked
"Maybe" amity said
She actually played it off and isn't a tomato, is she finally having courage. Then she fainted with a red tint on her face. "It's progress, Yo Ed get the legs" I said
He grabbed her legs while I grabbed her arms as we carried her to her room. I sat her on her bed and moved a hair out of her face. "Sweet dreams little bean" I said
'Enjoy this while you can' "oh look who decides to talk now you prick" 'no I'm just making sure you know that for tonight will be the beginning, willing or not it will happen' "what that skin corpse thing I could care less I can whoop it again without those glocks" 'no a far greater being that can't be stopped' and that was the last thing jashin said
"*tch* far greater being my butt I will whoop anything, the only thing that can beat me is me" I said sarcastically
I look at a thunder storm coming. "Nothing will beat me if I can help it" I said going out amity's room

Mystery boy (a owl house story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora