Sneaking Out

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Sorry for the wait loves, and thank you so so much for all of the comments. They make my day :)

Louis sighed and stared at the clock in the living room.  It was past two in the morning and Harry still wasn’t home yet from who knows where.  The older boyfriend woke up around midnight to find that Harry wasn’t in his arms or in bed.  He took a look around the house to see if he was up somewhere, perhaps getting some water or even using the bathroom, but no… Harry wasn’t anywhere.  Louis grew upset and almost angry at this, for some odd reason Harry has been sneaking out at night every once in a while to go to parties or just hang out with some friends.  And Louis didn’t like that at all.

 He’s already warned and spanked Harry twice for sneaking out, both times led to the younger boy promising to be good and never do it again… and yet, he did.  Louis figured that perhaps he had gone too soft on Harry for sneaking out in the past, but tonight would be different.  As soon as Harry gets home, Louis plans on making sure that there will be no more repeats on this.

 He looked up from his spot on the couch when he heard the front door slowly opening.  He could hear Harry shuffling quietly as he closed the door and took his shoes off.  As the younger boy went to tip toe past the living room, Louis reached over to the lamp and turned it on before calling out sternly, “Harry Styles come here…”

 Harry froze in complete shock.  He bit his bottom lip nervously before slowly turning to slowly walk back to the living room.  He saw the look Louis was giving him and quickly looked down at the carpet, “H-Hi Louis…” he whispered.

 Louis crossed his arms, “Hi Louis? You disobeyed me and snuck out again, and all you can say is ‘Hi Louis’!?”

 Harry winced slightly at his boyfriend’s stern tone.  He knew he was really in for it now and thought it best to try and wiggle his way out of the harsh punishment he know was doomed upon him, “Love I’m sorry! There was this party across town I really wanted to go to and I knew you’d say no, so I just…” Harry looked up with his sad green eyes, “I’m just sorry.”

 “Sorry for sneaking out?” Louis raised his eyebrows, “Or sorry that you just got caught?”

 Harry scuffed his foot on the ground, “A little bit of both I-“ his eyes widened at the look Louis just gave him and he looked back down, “No, no I mean I’m sorry for sneaking out! I won’t do it again! I swear Lou, it won’t happen again!”

 “Oh you can bet it won’t happen again,” Louis spoke as he stood up, “I plan on making sure that this will be the last time you ever sneak out.”

 Harry swallowed heavily and his eyes suddenly widened when he heard the sound of a belt being unbuckled.  He looked back up and nearly gasped to see that Louis was taking off the belt he was wearing, “L-Louis? Wh-what are you doing?”

 Louis doubled the belt over once it was free and pointed to the couch, “Bend over the couch…”

 Harry looked at him with fear in his eyes and covered up his bum with his hands, “N-No! You can’t! That will hurt too much! Please!”

 “That’s exactly the point,” Louis replied, “I’m serious Haz, this will be the last time you ever sneak out.  I’m tired of punishing you for the same thing over and over again.  Now get over that couch before I make you pull down your jeans.”

 Harry whimpered and walked over to the couch.  He slowly bent over the armrest and hugged one of the pillows.  He looked back at Louis, tears already starting to sting his eyes, “Baby… baby please…” he begged.

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