Poor Attitude

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Thanks for all the feedback guys :) Here's the second chapter.

Harry woke up in a fowl mood this morning and he just couldn’t get out of it.  From the moment he woke up, Louis could see something was off with his attitude.  He watched as Harry cooked up their breakfast roughly, sending pieces of egg flying everywhere, how he scowled and rolled his eyes whenever Louis tried to cheer him up with a small silly joke.  Louis has seen this before, Harry would wake up all grumpy but within the next hour or so after waking up he’ll usually return to his cheerful self.

 But at the morning progressed, Harry’s outlook never got better, in fact it grew worse.  When they sat down to watch some television, Harry kept grumbling and rapidly changing the channels with the remote.  Louis sat on the other side of the couch, watching Harry with a slightly raised eyebrow.  He’s had about enough with this boy’s attitude and if Harry wasn’t going to change it himself, he would more then likely have to step in and he didn’t want to really do that.

 After Harry finally settled on a channel, he slumped back into his seat and crossed his arms over his chest.  Taking this as a chance to talk, Louis cleared his throat and scooted a little closer to him, “Harry I think you and I need to talk.”

 Harry let out a breathy growl and looked over at Louis with an obvious annoyed look, “About what?”

 “About that,” Louis put a somewhat strict tone into his voice, “Haz what’s up with you today? You’re acting like a spoiled five year old who had his toy fire truck taken away.”

 Harry let out an eye roll as he muttered, “I’m fine Lou.”

 Louis shook his head, “No you’re not, you’ve had a poor manner about you all morning and I’m getting tired of it.”

 “I said I’m fine,” Harry spoke between gritted teeth, “can’t you just let it go?”

 “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I just let it go?” Louis sighed and looked a bit sternly at him,

“This is your last chance Harry, drop the attitude yourself before I have to step in.”

 Harry rolled his eyes and picked up the remote again, “You wouldn’t dare.”

 Louis was about to say something witty and sternly to him, but decided against it.  He really didn’t want to spank Harry today, and was afraid that if he said anything at all to him, Harry would fly off the wall at him.

 His head shot up when he heard Harry groan, “There’s nothing on this stupid tv!”

 Louis’ eyes narrowed slightly, “Harry calm down, right now-“

 “Shut up Lou!” Harry snapped at him, “Don’t tell me what to do!”

 Louis sat up straighter and glared at him, “Apologize right now, Harry Styles or I will-“

 He never finished what he said because there was a sudden ‘CRASH’ as Harry flung the remote in the air.  The remote flew right into the window and broke it into tiny pieces.  Harry’s eyes grew wide when he suddenly realized what he had done.  He looked to Louis, who looked just as shocked.  Soon enough, his shocked expression turned to stern as he shot a look back at Harry.

 Before Harry could stand and apologize, he found himself turned over Louis’ lap in a blink of an eye.  He started panicking a bit when he felt his jeans yanked down.  He began kicking his legs rapidly and shouted out, “No! No Louis I’m sorry! I’ll be good! I promise!”

 Louis pulled just his jeans down to his knees and shook his head, “You had your chance to change your attitude yourself and you chose to instead lose your temper and throw a tantrum like a child.  So now I’m going to treat you like one.”

 Harry whined and continued struggling to try and get away.  Louis hooked his right leg over Harry’s legs to stop him from kicking.  Harry yelped and grabbed unto Louis’ leg as he tipped forward towards the floor.  Tears were already filling his eyes as he pleaded again, “Lou… Lou please I’m sorry! I’ll pay for a new window.”

 “Don’t worry you will, and if you don’t stop moving I will take your boxers down as well.” That made Harry stop struggling right away, but Louis kept his right leg on Harry’s legs just in case he did decide to move again, “I’m going to start now Haz.”

 Harry whimpered and nodded lightly.  He had no time to brace himself as the first stinging swat landed on the middle of his bum.  He let out a small pained yelp as another one fell in the same exact spot as the first one.  It was obvious Louis wasn’t holding back on the spanking, and Harry knew full well that he deserved this.  He acted like a dick all morning and now he must pay for his actions.  He closed his eyes tightly as the pain intensified on his bum.

 Louis kept count in his head as he continued the spanking, landing hard sharp swats in no particular order.  He’d land two on Harry’s right cheek, one on his left, two in the middle, three on his left.  He wanted to make sure the boy knew how wrong it was for him to behave in such a manner.

 About twenty spanks in, Harry began crying and yelping at each hit Louis gave him.  He chocked lightly on a couple of sobs as the swats began raining on his upper thighs and sit spots.  Through his tears he began to plead again, “Louis… Lou- Ow! Louis please! I’m so- Ouch! Sorry!”

 Louis nodded lightly as he continued, “I know baby, ten more to go now.”

 Harry braced himself, knowing the last ten would be the hardest.  He held back a cry as the first four hit right in the middle of his bum, the next four on his sit spots made his head shoot back in agony and the last two on his thighs made him beg for mercy.  He fell limp on Louis’ lap, not even knowing it was all over until the older boy started rubbing circles into his back.  Harry sniveled heavily and whimpered out, “I’m sorry BooBear…”

 “Shh…” Louis helped the young boy up unto his lap.  Harry instantly clung unto Louis and buried his face into his chest crying.  Louis ran his fingers through his boyfriend’s curls and whispered in his ear, “There, there… it’s all over now love.  You understand why I had to do that right?”

 Harry nodded and spoke into his chest, “Because I had a poor attitude and I threw the remote and broke the window…” he looked teary eyed at Louis, “…and because you love me.”

 Louis smiled lightly and kissed the crying boys head before using his thumb to wipe away his tears, “Yes that is correct, I love you so much babe, I really do.”

 Harry nodded and rested his head on Louis’ shoulder, “I-I know and I love you too.”

 Louis smiled more and rocked the boy gently in his arms.  Harry kicked his jeans off, not wanting to put them back on his burning bum at this time, and clung unto Louis tightly. 

 The older boy began to sing very lightly to calm down the chastised boy.  Harry smiled ever so slightly and closed his eyes.  He found himself falling asleep to the sweet and soothing sound of his boyfriend’s voice.

Sorry it's a bit short, I was tired writing it. Okay so I need some ideas please~ I have one or two more ideas of mine own but after that I'll need some help. :) Thanks for reading.

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