Smoking Can Kill You

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And here we are with chapter three. Thanks for all the feedback guys :) There is some sexural scenes at the end fyi...

Harry sat outside on the back porch of the flat.  He stared out to the street and once again brought the cigarette in his hand to his lips.  He knew how Louis was about smoking; the older boy hated it and even forbad Harry to even think about starting up smoking.  Harry had no intention of starting up such a nasty habit, but after watching Zayn and seeing how happy and content he was after just a single smoke, he became very curious.  He went out and bought himself a pack one day and snuck off to the park.  After nearly choking and turning green from swallowing the smoke first time around, he got the hang of it and thought it felt pretty good.

 Since then whenever Louis wasn’t home, he would take out a single cigarette, sit out on the back porch and have a little smoke.  He wasn’t addictive or anything so he didn’t see anything wrong with having a smoke every once in a while.  He hasn’t told Louis about him smoking.  His boyfriend would probably have a fit and spank him for disobeying him.  So Harry’s been hiding the pack in his sock drawer, knowing Louis would never go in there because he doesn’t wear socks.

 Harry let out another puff of smoke and looked happily around their small yard.  Louis wasn’t expected back from running errands for another half an hour, so he took his time finishing off his cigarette.

 Meanwhile at the front of the house, Louis was in fact early.  He finished his errands quickly, wanting to get back to spend some alone time with Harry before they met the boys out for dinner later.  He grabbed all the grocery bags from his car and walked up to the house.  Upon reaching the door, he could vaguely smell cigarette smoke.  How he hated that smell near their flat.  Figuring it was probably just a neighbor or something, he opened the door and went inside.  He was surprised Harry wasn’t there to greet him.  Usually the young boy would be running down the stairs to help him with the bags, before hugging him and telling him how much he missed him.

 Louis walked into the kitchen and set the bags down on the counter.  As he started putting them away he called out, “Hazza my love I’m home now!” he was a bit early and figured maybe Harry took a nap or-

 Louis suddenly froze and sniffed the air.  Somehow the smell of smoke got stronger in the house.  But how could that be? Zayn was over to visit last night, but he never smokes in the house, let alone outside of it.  So it couldn’t be a lingering smell from him.  Louis tried to ignore it as he finished putting the food away, but the smell just wouldn’t leave his nose.  After he finished up, he started walking around the house, looking for Harry.  He soon spotted the top of Harry’s curly head outside on the porch.  He smiled lightly and walked over to the door, but froze when he saw what Harry was doing.  A puff of smoke escaped the younger boy’s mouth, followed by a small satisfied grin.

 Louis’ eyes narrowed and he opened the door quickly and made it bang against the wall.  Harry jumped out of this seat and nearly swallowed the smoke in his mouth.  Louis walked over and grabbed the arm that held the cigarette, “Harry Edward Styles what is this!?” he asked motioning to the cigarette.

 Harry was still trying to get out of shock as he stared wide-eyed at Louis.  He didn’t expect him to come home early, not at all.  He swallowed a lump in his throat, “L-Lou… uh I was just…”

 “What. Is. This!?” Louis repeated, narrowing his eyes at his boyfriend.

 Harry shook slightly and looked away from Louis’ angry eyes, “It’s a cigarette love.”

 “What have I told you about smoking?” Louis raised his voice a bit, “Don’t you know how bad smoking is for you? You could kill yourself smoking these things!”

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