Cursing is not Acceptable

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As promised, here's the first chapter :) Enjoy~

Harry awoke to the feeling of someone’s arms around his waist, like he always has for a few months now.  He smiled wide and shifted to turn and look at the sleeping boy beside him.  Louis had his arms firmly around his waist and his head was resting against his back.   Every once in a while a small snore would escape his mouth, followed by a light content sigh. 

Harry studied his boyfriend’s face for a minute before planting a small kiss on his cheek.  Louis smiled in his sleep and shifted over unto his back, releasing Harry from his warm and safe grip.  Harry chuckled lightly as he stood and stretched his arms over his head.  He only wore his boxers to bed, so he reached on the ground to pick up a pair of Lou’s sweatpants.  After slipping them on over his thin waist, he slowly crept out the door and quietly went downstairs.

He wanted to get a start on breakfast so he and Louis could spend the whole morning with each other before meeting the boys for an interview later this afternoon.  After getting a hot pan going, he began cracking eggs into a bowl carefully, but still somehow managed to drop an eggshell into the slimy bowl of eggs.  Harry rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath as he stared to scoop it out, “Ah fuck…”

Harry froze when that word slipped out of his mouth and looked around the kitchen.  Louis hated useless cursing and didn’t tolerate it.  The only time that Harry could say curse words without getting into trouble is when he and Louis are alone in their bedroom, getting it on.  But every once and a while, Harry would accidently let one slip out, earning himself a stern glare from Louis and sometimes, when it’s serious, a good butt beating.

He thanked the gods that Louis was still asleep upstairs and didn’t hear his little mess up as he started to stir up the eggs and pour them into the sizzling pan.  While he waited for them to cook he decided to throw a few bacon strips on as well and pop some bread into the toaster. 

After getting the bread in, he walked back over to the pot to turn over the eggs and bacon.  The bacon was sizzling already and began to spit some juices here and there.  Harry winced and flinched as the tiny burning liquids hit his skin.  It wasn’t unbearable until he flipped them over.  One of the strips sizzled heavily and spurted out hot juices all over Harry’s arm.  The young boy cried out lightly and pulled away muttering, “Fucking piece of bacon…” he once again froze and looked around to make sure Louis wasn’t behind him.  He’d have to be more careful and watch his mouth at the interview.

Harry heard the toaster pop up and walked over to get the toast out.  He quickly put the pieces of bread unto a waiting plate and walked back over to the hot pan.  After turning off the heat, he used his cooking utensil to divide and scoop the eggs unto the plates.  He used the same tool to pick the pieces of bacon up and put them on as well.  Once he set the plates down on the counter, he went back over to the pan to wash it.  Usually he wait for it to cool, but today he just wanted to spend time with Louis after breakfast and not have clean up take some of that precious time away. 

As he picked up the handle pan, he suddenly dropped it to the ground and held his now burning fingers, “Son of a bitch!” he spoke out, “That fucking hurt! Stupid fucking pan!” He would’ve probably thrown that pan out the window, when he soon heard someone behind him clearing their throat.

Harry winced slightly and slowly turned to see his boyfriend standing in the doorway.  His hair was a mess and his sweatpants were crooked, but there was a stern glare written upon his face.  Harry stood so he was facing him, half hoping that Louis didn’t hear any of that.  He gave the older boy a small smile, “Morning Lou, I made breakfast for us.”

Louis crossed his arms over his chest and continued to glare as he spoke, “What have I told you before about cursing?”

Harry scuffed his bare foot on the ground and looked down at his slightly shaking hands, “Louis I’m sorry they just slipped out…”

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