"Um, seriously?" I replied with a confused voice.

"Oh, Red! Hello!" He said over the phone "Where are ya!"

"I asked you first!" I said.

"I am at the cafe--wait a minute...you didn't say that the first time!" He said in confusion.

"Yes, I did," I replied slyly smirking.

"Ha, ha, real funny, Red!" He replied, sounding annoyed that I got him.

"Hehe, anyway I'll be, right there. Bye!" I quickly ended the call, before we could talk any further.

I rushed to where they were. At the cafe. I followed all he signs that lead me to the cafe. After a few minutes later, I spotted them laughing and joking around, almost smashing each other but either one wasn't at all fazed at the sudden violence. To me it was fazing at all. I knew I could do the same thing but maybe I could do worse. After thinking about smashing things several different ways, I snapped out of it and walked towards them conjured a tazer gun from out of my pockets of my dress.

ZAP! Then, all three of them froze in place, as smoke came from out of my tazzer gun. I then heard them coughing and wheezing.

"Sorry, too far?" I asked, but their face brightened at the sight of me.

"Red? RED!" Everyone exclaimed in unison, but Yakko grabbed the bag with the stones in it, without me noticing.

"So, who are these for?" He asked mischievously with a smirk.

My eyes widened at him and said, "N-no!" I exclaimed, as he tried to jerk the bag away from me, "Give it back, Yakko!"

"Why?" He asked cheekily with a wide grin, swinging the bag around his finger.

"It was supposed to be a surprise!" I replied through gritted teeth.

"A surprise?!" Wakko exclaimed, happily, "Oh, golly!" He smiled.

"It was for you three. I wanted to owe you guys something." I said sadly and slightly embarrassed.

"We just said you don't need to pay or owe us!" Dot exclaimed, putting hands on hips putting on a worried, expression.

"But you all have been so kind to me, so all I could do was get you all something special..." I said but trailed off at the last hesitating if I should say more.

"But?" Dot asked, "There's always a 'but' guys." He laid it out in general.

"Hehe, but it's not like you guys would like it, I guess. I bought that...quite cheaply...you know? " I nervously justified myself, thinking they would just laugh. But another reaction took place.

The trio gave each other glances, then they looked back at me and just started crying with smiles in their faces, and engulfed me in a bear hug.

"HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH THINGS!" Yakko exclaimed dramatically. Breaking the hug, he took up the brown bag and pulled out the gems from out the bag and presented them to his siblings, and then giving each of the gems to his siblings, and taking the onyx stone into his hands.

"I mean, look at these! They are exquisite! How much were they!" Yakko asked with much expression.

"500 dollars..."

"Wow, really?" Yakko asked in a surprised expression, woded eyed, looking at the gems in his palms.

"How much do you have now, exactly?" Dot asked slowly.

"Uh, 100 dollars..." I replied, nervously.

"WHAT! YOU JUST WASTED YOUR MONEY, RED!" Dot exclaimed, "You should get a refund."

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