The elevator doors open, I keep holding Jethro's hand and walk to the bullpen, Nick, McGee and Ellie are there but there are also Kasie, Jimmy and Leon, they all look at us, I hold Jethro's hand tighter, today I'm not wearing slightly wide clothes to hide the baby bump that now is visible "I ehm...I'm pregnant...and it's a boy" I say and they all look at me with a kinda shocked look on their faces, everyone besides Ellie who already knew about this, she comes to me and hugs me "Congratulations" they all say after some minutes of silence "I told you all that they've been acting weird during these last months" Nick says and Ellie gives him a little nudge then Leon comes to me "Well...good luck with your little version of Gibbs" he says "Don't remind me about that" I say and chuckle slightly, I then look over Jethro and I see him rolling his eyes the others are trying to not laugh but they fail after a little while I kiss Jethro on the cheek and head to my office.

I'm sitting at my desk and I'm working, Jethro already came in my office like three times in more or less two hours to make sure that I was ok anyway I start thinking about last night, more specifically what he told me...

"Hey, stop trying to push me away, I won't go anywhere, where I want to be is here, with you and I won't leave you alone not even in the darkest moments, I'll be your light in the dark like you've been and are with me.
We've both been broken before and now this is our journey, we are starting all over again, we're building our family, this is a new start for both of us, also if it could become really difficult we'll get through everything together, Jack, it's just us against the world and it will always be us this special that encloses all that we have gone through, the bad moments and the good ones.
We’ve come this far together and there’s still so much to come. I will always be by your side, I promise, I know that you don't want that I see you like this but please...just let me help you like you did the other times...
Also remember that I'm always with you also if not physically..."

What he told me was so sweet and every day that passes I love him even more than the day before.
I hear the sound of the door opening and I look over it, obviously it's Jethro, he comes to me and hands me a bottle of water, I take it "Thank you cowboy and yeah I'm fine" I say "I ehm...didn't ask anything" he says "But you were going to ask that like you always do and don't worry nothing can happen to me...well, to us while I'm in my office" I say trying to reassure him then I kiss him on the cheek and after some minutes that he spends staring at me, he leaves. It's almost always like this, he comes in my office six times per day, he comes in, makes sure that I'm fine then he stares at me for a few minutes and leaves.

Gibbs' POV

*Two weeks after*

We're in baby Gibbs' room and we're painting on the walls, we already painted an elephant that came out pretty good, honestly I didn't expect that it would've been actually good "We can continue tomorrow after work" Jack says and gets up, Lucy immediately goes to her "Ok" I say and kiss her on the cheek "See? It's a normal cute elephant not a monster" she says and chuckles slightly "Yeah" I say "Good job" she says and kisses me, I smile slightly "This is actually fun, you were right" I say and keep smiling "I'm always right" she says and I roll my eyes.
After a little while we go to lay in bed, Lucy comes too and lays next to Jack "How are you feeling?" I ask "I don't know...I'm really tired.." she replies "Maybe is better if I get some days off..." she adds "Yeah" I say then she pulls up her shirt, gently takes my hand and places it on her belly "Can you feel it?" she asks "If you're talking about baby Gibbs, yes, it seems that he's really having fun kicking" I say, she looks at me and chuckles slightly then she puts her hand on mine and Lucy puts her head on our hands, I smile.
I don’t know how to describe what I’m feeling right now but I can say that it's something wonderful, I'm so happy of all this and I couldn't be more grateful for what I have. After a couple of minutes that I spend nestled in my thoughts, I look at Jack who has already fallen asleep, I kiss her on the cheek and pet Lucy with my free hand and after I think an hour or less, I fall asleep too.

*6:30 a.m.*

I’m about to open the door when Jack stops me, she looks at me "Have a nice day at work hon" she says and smiles slightly "Thank you" I say and kiss her then I kneel in front of her and lift up her shirt slightly then I kiss her belly, she runs her hand through my hair and I look up at her, she looks back and smiles slightly I then get up and look over Lucy that is sitting next to Jack and pet her I know that if something happens she'll protect Jack and that reassures me "If something happens call me" I say and look at Jack again "Jethro, nothing will happen and nothing happened the other times that you left me alone with Lucy so don't worry" she says and kisses me on the cheek. Once I get in the pick-up, I look at the door and see Jack closing it, I'm always worried when I leave Jack alone, I never know what could happen and I don't want that something bad happens to them...

*3:30 p.m.*

I park the pick-up in the driveway, I get out of it and head to the door, I came back early because Jack didn’t answer my calls and didn’t call me back, as soon as I approach the door I realize that it is slightly open and that makes me worry even more, I rush in and start looking for Jack in every room but I can't find her, I then hear Lucy whining so I follow her whining and I find her lying next to the couch with a gunshot wound at this point I really don't know what I should think, the worst scenarios begin to invade my mind and this is not very helpful. What I need right now is to stay calm even though it's really difficult, I pet Lucy and she slowly moves her head "Hey sweetie, everything will be fine" I say in a soft tone of voice then I leave her alone for like five minutes and when I go back to her, I wrap her in the blanket and pick her up then I bring her in the pick-up and I get in too.

While driving I feel the tears sliding down my face slowly, I'm trying to stay calm even though it's really difficult and I'm starting to fail in this. I shouldn't have left Jack and Lucy alone at home, I should've been there...
The tears that were sliding slowly down my face are now sliding impetuously, this isn't helpful since my sight begins to blur, I risk to skid but luckily I'm able to avoid that that happens, I try to wipe away my tears...I look over Lucy and then start driving faster, now I must concentrate on making sure that she'll be fine then I'll think about what to do.

I arrive at the vet and bring her in, after leaving her with the vet I go sit in the waiting room and there I realize that I don't have my phone, right, I left it on the floor when I picked up Lucy. I put my head in my hands and look down, I'm so worried for Jack...I have no idea of where she is, if she's fine, if she's alive and this is driving me crazy.
I can’t lose Jack and the baby...I must do something...I get up and go out, I look around for a bit then I get in the pick-up and start driving to work, I hope that Lucy will be fine, I'll go back to the vet later.
My biggest fear has just become true and this all situation is destroying me, I don't want to lose Jack and the baby, I’ve been worried about the possibility of something happening to them for months and now something bad could actually happen to them or it's already happening.

I hope that you liked this chapter, soon there'll be another one.
If you want leave in the comments your thoughts about this chapter, I would really appreciate it.

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