The Nanny - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader - PART 2

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"How long has this been going on?" Elsa asked, the two of you lounging on the couch while the kids were napping.

"I wasn't aware anything was going on until yesterday" you answered, blushing as you told Hemsworth's wife about your plans to stay with Tom over the short break.

"Well, if you ask Chris he'll tell you he's always known, but I was the first one to call it." She gave you a smug look.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?!" you threw your arms up. "Would have been nice to know I actually had a chance."

"You didn't tell me you fancied him!" Elsa laughed. You both heard India start scooting down the stairs one by one.

"Doesn't everybody?" you smirked, standing to go grab India. "Half the time I'm certain your husband has a crush on him."

"Oh, he does." Elsa laughed, following you up the stairs.

You and Elsa got the kids fed and dressed so she could visit Chris with the kids on set.

"You may as well bring your bag now" she suggested. "You can just go home with him when he's done filming."

You took a deep breath, thinking through what you should even pack.

"Are you nervous?" she asked, telling India to put her shoes on.

"I'm...I don't know. This doesn't feel real." You laughed, shaking your head.

"I've been watching it happen for over a year, Y/n. It's real. Now, living with someone makes you privy to certain details about each other that you otherwise wouldn't know...I don't snoop, but our laundry has crossed paths a few when I tell you to wear the black lace lingerie, take my advice." She winked, going to put India's shoes on the correct feet.

When you all arrived at the set, the guys were in the middle of filming. You and Elsa sat back and watched them work through the choreography of a scene for about 20 minutes before a break was called.

"Do you mind watching the boys while I take India over to Chris?" Elsa asked.

"Not at all" you smiled and waved her off. You were sat on a bench and the twins were sat on the floor at your feet, so they could play with their blocks.

When Chris saw Elsa, his face lit up like a child's. He ran off of the sound stage to meet her halfway. You spotted Tom looking around the room until he made eye contact with you, smiling and waving. When he passed Elsa and Chris, Elsa pulled him into a hug. It was obvious she was talking about you because she literally pointed while Tom ducked his head like they were teasing him. Tom continued towards you, joining you on the bench by the boys.

"How is filming going?" you asked, resting your hand on his thigh.

"Today has actually been a lot of fun" he answered, putting his arm around your shoulders. "I am, however, incredibly sore from all of the choreography. We've been shooting fight scenes all day and I think every bit of me has been whacked or stepped on at least once."

You ran your hand up and down his thigh, looking up at him. "You sound like you need a massage."

"Are you offering, darling?" Tom's voice sounded a tad husky and his eyes dropped to your lips for a split second.

"Oh, I would love to get my hands on you" you teased before he dipped down to press a slow, lingering kiss to your lips.

"Come on, boys" Elsa called as she walked towards her twins.

Chris teased the two of you. "Really? In front of the children?"

"Be nice" Elsa scolded him.

"Or what?" he laughed, throwing the boys blocks into their bag and picking up Sasha. Elsa turned and gave him a knowing look. Chris nodded and replied, "Yes ma'am."

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