Roses and Stolen Tickets

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Working with Artie at his shop is like a dream coming true. As a fashion designer student, it is truly mesmerizing to be around so many iconic signature looks from famous designers and brands. Every dress hanging around had its own history, every look was part of something bigger than we can imagine. It fascinates me. Besides that, Artie is the best boss I could ever ask for. He teaches me sewing techniques, and even brings me English trifles to eat while we have some tea once the store is closed sometimes. I could almost say that my experience has been perfect.

Almost... if it wasn't for Cruella De Vil.

She's a brilliant designer, a "genius" as she humbly defines herself. I truly admire her courage to face the Baroness in such a bold way, it is clear to see that she is going to take over the industry by storm one day. However, what the world does not know is that, besides being an exceptional designer, Cruella is also the most flirtatious player I have ever met in my entire life.

Since Artie is helping her in a few "projects", she comes to the store almost everyday. Annoyingly, she has a new cheap pick-up line for me every single time she visits:

"Darling, aren't you tired?"

"Not really. My shift just began. Why?"

"Because you've been running through my mind all day."

Or even...

"My watch says you're not wearing pants."

"What? I clearly am, Cruella."

"Oh, I'm sorry, it must be 10 minutes fast."

And, obviously...

"Dear, your legs are so beautiful."

"Thanks, I guess?"

"When do they open?"

It should be somewhat flattering to have such an attractive woman being so flirty with me, but her reputation stops me from even thinking about giving in to her sweet perfume and bad girl persona. Cruella is synonym of trouble and the guarantee of a tortuous heartbreak, and I don't want to feel such pain ever again.

"Y/N, would you mind closing the store by yourself?" Artie asked as he wrapped himself in a black coat, ready to leave. "I need to run some errands before everything is closed."

"No problem at all." I assured him. "I can take it from here."

Artie wished me a good evening and quickly left the shop, leaving me by myself after a long day. I took a deep breath, enjoying the moment of solitude I've been granted. Unfortunately, such relaxing time was abruptly interrupted by the bell ringing at the door, followed by the sound of heels clicking on the polished floor.

"I apologize, but the store just closed." I said without looking at whoever just entered the place.

"I know, darling."

I could recognize that husky, deep voice from miles away.

I lifted my head and, of course, there she was: Cruella. Her black and white hair was perfectly done, the dark eyeliner enhanced the captivating green in her eyes, and the all-black outfit she wore perfectly contrasted with her snow-white skin. Breathtaking. However, what mostly caught my attention was the beautiful bouquet of roses she was holding.

"Hey, Cruella." I greeted her, trying my best to look unfazed by her hypnotizing beauty. "Artie just left, sorry about that."

"I'm not here for Artie." She replied, a cute smile on her face as she approached the counter. "This is for you, by the way."

She handed me the bouquet. "T-thanks."

I didn't mean to stutter, but I've never been gifted flowers before. My cheeks burned like fire, and I'm definitely blushing like a stupid kid right now. She caught me by surprise.

"What are you doing here, then?" I asked curiously, still admiring the flowers she just gave me.

"The Berlin Philharmonic is performing at the Royal Albert Hall tonight." She said while leaning over towards me, her perfume now enchanting me even more as she got closer. "Wanna come with me? We can even grab some dinner later."

"You're joking, right?" I asked between laughs. "They're one of the most famous orchestras in the world, tickets are sold out. It's impossible."

A cocky smirk appeared on her face while she grabbed two small pieces of paper from her jacket. Once she placed them on the counter, my jaw dropped:

Two tickets. Berlin Philharmonic. Front row seats.

"How did you even..." I weakly asked, still speechless.

"I stole them from the Baroness' desk two days ago." She explained. "I noticed how much you like classical music, so I thought it would be nice if we could go together."

"I'm not sure..."

"Y/N, please." Cruella held one of my hands, intertwining our fingers right after. "I even reserved us a table at that new Italian restaurant across the street. Artie told me you love Italian cuisine."

My mind told me no, alarms banging inside my head warning me this was wrong in so many ways. However, her sincere eyes and the feeling of our hands together only made it hard for me to refuse such temptation. She risked herself just to get tickets for the two of us, she took the time to learn what are my tastes and preferences. Would a player go this far just to get inside my jeans?

"Let me get to know you, darling." She spoke smoothly, her eager eyes still locked on mine like her sanity depended on it. "I promise you won't regret it."

What's life without some little trouble, anyway?

"You better keep your promise, De Vil."

hey folks! hope you enjoy this one, feel free to comment! thank you so much for all the feedback and comments over the last few days, i'll try to answer every single one of you as soon as i can! i love hearing from you. hope everyone is doing great! M

P.S: i'm accepting more requests now. feel free to message me or, if you want, just write a comment ;)

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