Chapter II: Family

Start from the beginning

His hands fly into the air, defending himself. "Woah, Y/n, I'm sorry, it was an accident, I didn't see you coming—,"

"You didn't see me coming?! It's a giant ass car, are you fucking blind?" I continue to scold him, letting out some of my emotions on him that I've been holding back.

"Calm down... It was just an accident."

I scoff, hating that he's acting like I almost didn't run him over with my car. "Yea, well it could've been worse than just a simple accident, Jungkook."

"God, can you stop yelling?" Jungkook replies harshly.

"You don't understand that I could've hit you! Don't put that on me, alright?" I say, attempting to get back into my car.

He suddenly grips my forearm, and yanks me closer so I can't get back in my car. "Just because you're mad does not mean you get to scream at me, alright? You can hate me all you want and for whatever shitty reason but stop yelling at me! Understood, Y/n?! I've tried to be nice, I've tried to talk to you, I've tried to be friends but you push me away every damn time! Stop with the bullshit!" He says in my face, his face angry and eyebrows furrowed.

I guess my outburst really pissed him off. Nonetheless, he deserved it. He shouldn't have been that reckless. And he knows nothing about me anymore, so I don't care what he says. He doesn't get to push back into my life like that again just because he's been 'nice'. I push him aside by his arm, getting back into my car, muttering, "Fuck you," my heart slightly broken that he said that.

My reason we're not friends isn't shitty, nor bullshit. He has no right. He doesn't get to do that. He's an asshole.


I push through the door of my house, kicking my shoes off and sighing. I run my fingers through my hair, throwing my bag on the bench nearby and walk towards the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and some painkillers for my headache. As I'm opening the fridge, I feel soft fur rub against my leg, and I look down.

"Hey, little baby," I say, leaning down and picking up the cat in my arms. "How was your day, Cho? Good, huh? Of course, it was, because all you do is sleep and eat all day," I tickle her little button nose, giggling to myself as she paws at my finger. Then there's a large bark coming from the staircase. The big German Shepard comes marching down, mouth hanging open and coming towards me. I put down Cho, she runs, and I greet him.

"Haru." He sits in front of me, looking up at me with his adorable eyes. My stern approach ensures obedience, and then I smile so he jumps up to lick my face. I laugh. "Stop it, you're gonna knock me over..." I pet his head, kissing his nose before he jumps down and runs off to play with Cho.

I continue what I'm doing, going into the pantry for an afternoon snack until I hear his loud bark echo through the house, and the door shutting. There would be my mother. "Y/n?" She calls. I exhale, sitting against the counter, watching as she makes her way into the kitchen. She places her bag on the counter, and sighs.

"Long day?" I ask.


We both sit in the silence not speaking a word. I'm exhausted and tired, and I don't want to move my body at all. Though, I do want to go lay in my bed and never wake up, but I'm comfortable enough with where I am right to not move a single muscle.

"Is your father home?" She asks.

"I just got here, but I don't think so," I respond, setting down my glass of water and rubbing my temples. The headache I gained earlier is slowly drifting away.

"Perfect, I'm going to go take a nap." My mother pops her neck, and walks out of the kitchen to the back bedrooms where hers is located.

I'm going to hate it when he gets home. My mother and father argue all the time. Not once do they ever have a day where it's silent in this house and not filled with their bickering voices. To be fair, they were an arranged marriage, but even still I don't understand why they don't divorce if all they do is bicker and bite at each other. And it's not just my father who's at fault. It's the both of them. And neither of them have enough time to notice how much it affects their only daughter.

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