Kissing practice (810 words)

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"So Tim." 

Jay puckered his lips, making a silly duck face at me before continuing. "You don't know how to kiss someone?"

I rolled my eyes in slight annoyance at his silly face making. I knew how to kiss someone. I did, i told myself I did. I mean I hadn't ever kissed someone. But pillows count right? ...Right? Being a 20 year old man and not having kissed someone was normal right? Asking your friend to come and show you wasn't weird right? We're both straight, it shouldn't be weird... right? Maybe I was lying to myself when I said that but he doesn't know that.

"That's not why i asked you to come over stupid." I pushed his shoulder playfully. He rocked back and forth like a rocking horse, still making that weird face.

"C'mon man be serious." I threw a pillow at him. He caught it and started laughing. I rolled my eyes again as he set it down next to himself with a semi serious look on his face, I could tell he was trying not to giggle.

We were sitting on my bed in my dorm. The other bed across the room was messy but empty, my roommate, Brian, out. Probably getting ready for the party he said he would take me too, which is why I suddenly need this experience. "I need to... make sure I do it correctly."

Jay huffed. "Well how is that going to work if I'm here, don't you need a girl for that or something?" I shrugged, biting my lip before blurting out my idea really quickly.

"I thought I could just kiss you." I don't know why I was so nervous about this, it's not the big of a deal. Homies kiss all the time, i wasn't gay.. Jay wasn't either.Even though a lot of the guys thought he was since he never had a girlfriend. Well they thought that about me too. We were both kinda targeted in that sense.

He was silent a moment, suddenly serious. Really serious. He stared at the pillow for a second. I rushed on, panicking. "I mean that's totally fine if not, I can just practice with that uh.. that uh pillow or something-."

He cut me off. "Hey, no its fine, just startled me." 

He smiled at me. I relaxed, holy shit though I had just fucked up our friendship. His smile was bright and normal, that helped me relax. Taking a deep breath I forcibly  stopped fidgeting. "How do I do this?"

I awkwardly leaned in. My hand on the pillow in front of him and the other still in my lap. His eyes were really brown I noticed. Kind of like melted milk chocolate or coffee mixed with creamer. Then I smacked him in the nose with my chin. He rocked backwards, a hand darting to the offended appendage. "Shit shit shit." I back pedaled, pulling away quickly.

"Shit Jay, I'm sorry." He was laughing. Nothing was bleeding.

He giggled behind his hand. "Here maybe.." He took my hand and placed on his cheek and then placed my other one on his hip. I took a deep breath through my nose. "Like this, hold her like this.. then you tilt your head to the side and.." 

He walked me through it until we were eye to eye again, much closer this time. I was leaning over his lap, his legs under mine. I noticed for the first time since Brian had introduced us the tiny freckles on the bridge of his nose. So faint you would only be able to see them if you were this close with him. Which I happened to be. His skin was really soft under my finger tips. 

I gulped, "Now what?" I whispered. Our lips were almost touching. He starred into my eyes before whispering back.

"Then you kiss.. her." I took a deep breath and pecked him on the lips. Quick. Really quick. Still i felt the way his lips molded under mine, the way they tasted fruity. I don't know what it was but it was refreshing. We pulled back from each other.

"Like that?" I asked nervously. Dropping my hand from his face and putting some space between us. His fruity taste lingering on my lips. Going to my head, buzzing around up there. Was kissing your homie suppose to feel like you had just got high?

He was silent, starring at me. His fingers clenched into the pillow slowly unlocking from their grasp. He blinked, a pink tinge decorating his cheeks. "That was great Tim!" He exclaimed. My attention draw away from his pretty face as he held up a fist to be bumped.

I bumped it and then laughed. "Okay so, just go in for a kiss like that... with a girl?" I asked as the awkward moment evaporated. 

He nodded, "Exactly like that bro, kiss her exactly like that."

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