Angst Prompt check (220 words)

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"Hey how are you doing?" The sky was bright and sunny.

Grass green underfoot and wind blowing it around. My feet were bare. I sometimes forgot I still needed to wear shoes. They were a small nuisance and i didn't bother with them.

 "It's been awhile hasn't it." I kept my eyes fixed on my bare feet. 

The grass was soft and damp. I breathed in deeply. That spring smell filled the air around me, growing things, new things. 

"Yeah I guess I'm good...Nothing really has been the same since the accident." I spoke quietly, I could feel the sun on my back. 

The breeze ruffled my hair and I pushed it out of my eyes. Looking up at the hard gravestone as I did. The writing on the head stone was unorganized and looked gibberish to me. 

"I started talking to myself a lot lately and waiting for responses.." I sniffed and wiped my nose trying to keep it together. The feelings of loneliness and sadness welled up inside, demanding to be let out.

 "I've just.." I inhaled sharply, the world was too bright, too happy. 

"I've been so used to you being here.." I wiped my eyes again. It was useless. 

"Now you're dead and.." My voice cracked on the word dead. 

My vision blurred and I sobbed into my hands. Barefoot, mid morning, in front of your gravestone. 

"Oh look," I let out a hiccupy laugh, "Now I'm crying over your grave."

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