Starlize (416 words)

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Starlize knelt by a small stream. She bent intently over her work. A boot squelched in the mud behind her. "Ah!" She squeaked in surprise. She dropped what she was working on and stood fast, turning in a circle to confront the supposed attacker. In front of her stood a young man. His hair was dark brown and was tousled in away that suggested he had just woken up. His eyes were a surprisingly light green. He smiled down at her from his height of almost six feet.

"Eles." She hissed. His grin widened.

Starlize turned back around and started collecting her fallen project. "What are you working on?" Eles crouched down to pick up a shard of green tinged glass. Starlize grabbed it from him.

"None of your business, nosey." She wrapped the glass tenderly in a scrap of cloth and placed in her satchel along with the rest of her project. As she stood she noticed Eles watching her in deep thought.

"What?" She exclaimed bemused.

At her question he snapped out of his daze. "Nothing! Come on!" Starlize raised her eyebrows at his retreating back, then quickly followed behind.

The woods they walked through where teeming with life. Squirrels ran to the trees above in. Dear born to the brush below. Starlize and Eleanor exited the forest. Looming over them was an awesome castle. The architecture was exquisite. It drew the eye from the surrounding city. 

Starlize shook her head in disgust, she hated living here. They wove their way through the shabby streets of the city. Starlize kept her eyes on the ground, hoping to slip through without being noticed. Eles on the other hand move straight through.

 All around them people whispered and gawked. They were watched all the way to the front gates of the castle. Starlize knew what they whispered about and she hated it. But she could not stop it so she chose to live up to her stereotype. Witch. 

"Hey are you okay?" Starlize blinked. Eles stood in front of her, his hand on her shoulder. 

They stood in a small garden. The castle loomed up in front of them. 

Starlize inhaled deeply. "Yes, I'm fine." 

She ducked around him and ran into the castle, feeling his eyes on her back all the way in. "Starlize stood in the entry hall clutching her satchel. Around her many servants bustled around on their individual tasks for the royal family. Door close behind her with a bang the echo through the whole castle.

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