Self insert oc check (1192)

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Chase had been exploring the area around the house. So far he had found a very cool looking burnt out tree with a snapped frayed rope hanging from it, a graveyard that seemed to be regularly visited by people from a nearby city, a lake that was very clear, so clear that for a second it looked very shallow, and this place. This place being the old burnt out and boarded up school on the outskirts of the woods.

The trees nearby were less thick and less tangled. The undergrowth was starting to creep out from the boundaries of the school which were lined with falling down chain-link fence. Bushes where growing closely sometimes even covering the whole fence, vines crept their way though the chain. He could see hollyhocks and the beginnings of a trumpet flower vine growing on the weak links. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and started to climb the fence.

At the top he looked down at the school. The building was three stories high and must have been very impressive when it was still in use. Now though the roof was caved in near the back and most of the windows were boarded up on the upper floors. The lower floors where spray painted and filled with broken glass from the once un-boarded windows. Chase hopped down from his perch and walked over the cracked pothole filled asphalt towards the closest door. He tried the knob. It was stuck.He pulled on it a few times before banging his shoulder against the door, it didn't budge. Sighing, he wiped his rust covered hand on his jeans. He shuffled back and started searching for a way into the school. Most of the lower windows were shatter and the ground was littered with glass slivers, despite this they where covered with a thin piece of well placed plywood.

After a few minutes of searching, however, he found a window that had a loose covering. It was partially hidden by a tall bush of hollyhock. Even in the winter, the tall stocks and dead brown leaves covered the larger part of the window. Pushing the hollyhock out of the way with one hand Chase pried the wood out of the way. The darkness behind was pierced by sudden light. Chase stared into the yawning hole. Was it really smart to go inside an abandoned building like this..he wondered. He looked behind him at the empty windswept parking lot, then back into the dark hole before him. Making a split second decision he hopped in through the hole he'd made and dropped down into the darkness.

He hit the ground hard and looked back up. The window was six feet up behind him. No way was he getting back out that way. He looked back into the darkness. Taking something from his pocket he clicked a button and a dim yellow stream of light cut through the darkness The air smelled stall and was slightly warm. He wrinkled his nose and shown the flashlight from one wall to the other. It was empty except for a large chalkboard on one wall and a few broken chairs under it. On the far side there was old door. Walking through the room Chase tried the doorknob, unlocked. He pushed it open and poked his flashlight into the darkness outside. He was in a long hallway lined with even more doors.

He shivered at the sudden change of temperature. Was he near the cave in? Not likely, he doesn't remember seeing it from the outside. He started walking toward the breeze. As he walked he shown his flashlight around him. The ceiling was high and arching and the walls had pealing wall paper. To him it looked like it used to be a fancy school. The floors were warped and creaked underfoot. The pealing wall paper was burnt and frayed thin. The wood beneath was splotch and water stained. It looked like it had been burned. Reaching a cross road, Chase choose to go left, deeper into the empty building.

His light flickered suddenly and plunged him into darkness. Giving it a few shakes did nothing. Tucking it into his pocket again he continued on using the wall as a guild. He came to a door at the far end of the hall. A dim light shown from under it. But not like his own, more of a natural color. White. He tried the door and found it open. When he pushed it open he had to blink.

He was in a room full of full glass windows. It was clean in here. The walls had paint and the sunlight shining in was bright and cherry. Desks were lined up in rows facing a large chalk board.The walls had paint and the sunlight shining in was bright and cherry. Desks were lined up in rows facing a large chalk board. Chase did a double take as he looked around. Was this still being used for school? He closed the door behind him and walked over to a desk. He sat down in it and looked with growing astonishment around the room. What the fuck? Something flickered in the corner of his vision and he turned.

The room disappeared replaced with sudden darkness. Chase blinked rapidly and fumbled his flashlight back out of his pocket, click. The light from his flashlight cut through the darkness again. Chase looked around. The room from before was gone replaced by a damp rotting classroom. The big windows from before where boarded up and the chairs where turned over. He sat in a rotting chair. Standing quickly he backed out of the room. Now he was really scared. He started running down the hall. His light jiggled widely and he stumbled across the uneven floorboards. Falling to his knees, breathing heavily he shown the light into the darkness.

Nothing moved as his heart rate slowed and his panting stopped. Once he'd calmed down a bit he encouraged himself to look back in the room. Surely he was just kidding himself. Wishful thinking? Chase slowly pulled himself up using the wall and shuffled back over to the door. His jeans had small hole sin them at the knees from falling on the rough floorboards. Slowly trying to keep his hand holding the flashlight from shaking he opened the door again. Shining is flashlight in all he saw was the dead blank room.

No pretty walls. No un-boarded windows. Nothing but dust and peeling wall paper. Chase closed the door and leaned against it for a second. What was that? He doesnt want to explore anymore. Taking his flashlight he walked quickly through the halls until he came to more light. This time it was the cave in. The roof slanted down unevenly breaking through the upper floors and touching the bottom level in a ragged landslide of roof tiles and rotting rafters. Climbing up the pile he wobbled his way up to the top of the building. Looking around he spotted a tree branch close to the roof. He took a leap of faith and climbed into the tree. 

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