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Shao Zhizhou fainted this time without warning, and Shao Wulang was also taken aback.

He hurriedly put the candlestick aside, went out to call for someone, and the servants outside ran in, pinching people while rolling their eyelids, and finally woke Master Zhizhou.

But as soon as he woke up, Shao Zhizhou saw the golden plaque gleaming under the candlelight at first glance, and his eyelids turned dizzy.

This time, Shao Wulang had a heart-to-heart. He first held on to Shao Zhizhou’s shoulders, supported him, and repeatedly said: "Master Zhizhou, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with this copybook?"

As soon as this remark came out, Shao Zhizhou recovered.

He immediately grabbed Shao Wulang's arm and struggled to stand up, but the first thing he did after getting up was to kick Shao Wulang over!

In terms of age, Shao Goro is younger, and Shao Goro is stronger in body shape, but he was really caught off guard by this foot. Shao Goro lay directly on the ground without precaution, his teeth knocked to his mouth, and his mouth was full. The smell of blood.

Shao Zhizhou was panting, his fingertips trembling.

He can get to this official position, even if he is not shrewd and strong, but he is not the dull and dull person like a pig. Now he sees the copybook and the plaque, and he can figure it out with a little contact.

That Qi family is simply Jane in the heart!

Before that, Shao Zhizhou only regarded the Qi family as an ordinary merchant's home, but it was because of the relief that some money was made, and the emperor had just succeeded to win the hearts of the people, which gave him a golden plaque.

But at that time, Shao Zhizhou felt that in addition to the things bestowed by the imperial family, those who had previously received the imperial gifts had to be awarded them by a special internal official. Those who came with them would have some gold and silver cloths, which was regarded as the grace of the heavenly family.

However, this Qi family had nothing but a golden plaque, and even the award was made by the Yamen to do it for them. It seemed that he didn't care.

It is precisely because of this that Shao Zhizhou dared to hold the plaque without issuing it for two months, in order to come to the Qi family for benefits.

But now, look at this copybook, look at the private seal on it, and look at the ugly tassel on this cloth bag...

This Qi Saburo can actually put the imperial pen in a bag with spicy eyes, which is enough to show that this thing is not rare to him!

Royal pens are not rare, how much glory can this be done?

Moreover, Qi Saburo is just a talent, and he usually has no reputation. Shao Zhizhou is sure that he got these because of his family. This Qi family is afraid that the emperor is always watching.

Shao Zhizhou didn't dare to think any more, the more he thought about it, the more he was afraid, his voice was shaking: "You all go out, Shao Wu stay."

The guards left obediently even though they didn't know the situation.

Shao Wulang got up from the ground and wiped the blood from his mouth with his sleeves, and then said to Shao Zhizhou in a cold sweat, "I don't know where the villain provokes the adults?"

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