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It was the first time for Ye Jiao to see Qi Yun’s face stained with crimson, as if there was blood on his pale cheeks. Even though Qi Yun closed his eyes at the moment, he still looked amazingly handsome.

But the man’s good looks this time made Ye Jiao panic.

The first thing she thought about was whether she did something wrong yesterday, which made this person’s unhealthy body worsen?

When she thought of this, Ye Jiao felt her throat was blocked, and her eyes swelled.

The woman’s body was not strong, but not sure where the energy came from, she pulled Qi Yun from the table to the bed.

As she put the man on the bed and took off his coat and shoes, Ye Jiao wrapped Qi Yun tightly with the quilt.

Because Ye Jiao heard the clattering sound and ran out of bed barefoot, no one had time to clean up the quilt. When Qi Yun was wrapped in it, there was still the woman’s soft sweet-scented osmanthus scent inside the quilt and the warm temperature from her body.

Qi Yun’s head was still dizzy, but he didn’t make a fuss or struggle. He felt extraordinarily smooth.

Since he was a child, his body had been like this. If it were too hot or too cold, Qi Yun would faint from time to time. He was accustomed to it.

However, it felt a little different this time.

His body felt hot, but his internal organs were not stinging. Although his head was groggy, he didn’t feel nauseated.

It’s like being sunk in warm water. It’s not comfortable, but it’s not too uncomfortable either.

He could feel that someone supported him, pulled him up, and dragged him onto the bed.

This bed is Qi Yun’s own bed, where he had slept for years. Even with his eyes closed, he can recognize it.

…No, that’s wrong. He hasn’t slept here lately.

Before Qi Yun could understand the situation, he smelled the osmanthus scent and felt the warmth.

His body was always cold, so there was never much heat in his quilt, but now, inside the quilt, he felt comfortable and warm, which made him a little sleepy.

This is the first time in his life when he felt uncomfortable, but can still feel sleepy leisurely. Qi Yun had no energy to open his eyes. He was just lying there half asleep, with a calm expression.

Ye Jiao didn’t know how the man felt. The little ginseng spirit couldn’t probe people’s hearts and could only feel Qi Yun’s hot body temperature.

After sitting by the bed, for the first time in her life, Ye Jiao felt that her body would not listen to her orders.

She clearly wanted to touch his face, but her hands were always shaking, especially her trembling fingertips, which couldn’t stop.

She opened her mouth and wanted to talk to him, but there was only a groan coming out from her mouth. The little ginseng spirit didn’t know what happened.

She looked at her hand blankly, then touched her neck and nose.

Her nose and throat were blocked, and felt a little sour. When she thought that this person’s condition might be bad, it got worse.

The little ginseng had just grown up and had only been a person for three days, but in these short three days, Qi Yun treated her the best.

He poured her tea, fed her snacks, and took her hand to tell her not to be afraid of anything. He would handle everything.

Lady of Fortune, Jiao Niangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن