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Ye Jiao was awakened by a burst of firecrackers.
Upon opening Her eyes, a big red veil greeted her sight.

Still groggy from sleep, she subconsciously stretched out a limb to grab it, but before she could touch it, Ye Jiao suddenly froze.

She... has a hand?

This surprised Ye Jiao. She hadn't forgotten that she was worrying about transforming into a human form just not long ago.

Her body was a ginseng, she had cultivated for thousands of years, but she had been unable to transform into a human form.

The little fox who was cultivating with her can already charm men, the tiger spirit can dominate the woods, and even the stupid little black bear can become a human being, but she was the only one left who can't.

Ye Jiao didn't care about these. Even when the little fox was showing off in front of her about how prosperous the world is, how delicious the food is, and how the men are so handsome they can be compared to the gods, which made the little fox so happy.

The little ginseng spirit doesn't think that men are good. She just wanted to not be buried in the soil anymore. It is best if she can eat and drink and enjoy the good things of being a human.

But who could have imagined that she just slept, didn't even cross the tribulation, and suddenly she became a human?

Ye Jiao stared at her hand in a daze, looking at it over and over again. The more she looked, the better she felt.

Look at these hands, how elegant and beautiful they are. They are not much worse than those of the little fox!

But before she could finish her self-appreciation, she saw another hand stretched out and grabbed her.

Ye Jiao realized that she was sitting in a sedan chair. At that moment, the curtain on the window was pulled open, revealing a strange face.

Ye Ersao1 looked at Ye Jiao, whose face was covered by a red veil. She was crying on her face, but was smiling in her heart.

This Ye Jiao is the youngest daughter of the Ye family. Her parents died early. Fortunately, there are two older brothers in the family.

Ye Dalang was talented - capable of both literary and military skills. In the whole village, there was no one as heroic as the Ye family's eldest son.

It just so happened that after he left five years ago, he never came back. Only in the first two years did he send money to the family. In the following years, not even a copper coin was sent. Not long ago, someone brought a letter saying that Ye Dalang died on the battlefield after joining the army - not a single bone was collected.

Compared with the eldest son's ability, Ye Erlang was a real waste. He couldn't farm and he always lose money when doing business. After his eldest brother left, Ye family's second son seemed to be throwing money out. It didn't take long for the Ye family's not-so-rich house to be left empty.

With no money at home, Ye Ersao who was not a hard-working person, thought of an idea involving Ye Jiao.

Ye Jiao was born beautiful, and Ye Ersao also felt that her sister-in-law was no worse than the ladies in the city.

It's just that Ye Jiao is timid and doesn't usually go out. Ye Dalang was also afraid because of her appearance, so he asked her to stay at home and to help with the housework. She was not allowed to do farming at all. She is obviously a peasant girl, but she was raised by Ye Dalang as a charming lady.

But in Ye Ersao's eyes, she was a burden who ate for nothing.

Now that Ye Dalang will no longer come back, and Ye Erlang can't be relied on. By coincidence, Qi Yun, a wealthy son from another village, who has always been sick and ill, was going to die. And so, the Qi family is looking for a bride for Chongxi marriage. She lied to the Qi family and said that Ye Jiao was willing. Yes, she took the Qi family's money and prepared to marry off her cumbersome sister-in-law.

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