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Ye Pingrong originally wanted to stay for two days before returning to Beijing, but the door was sealed by the heavy rain. He couldn't get out, so he stayed at Qi's house.

One day or two days was enough. After the seventh or eighth, Ye Pingrong couldn't stand it, and came to Ye Jiao to talk to her sister.

Ye Jiao sat on the couch with Xu Bao in his arms, looked at the continuous rain water outside, and whispered: "No more, I'm afraid that the medicinal materials I planted in the mountain garden will be washed away."

Ye Pingrong was holding a cloth tiger and teasing Xu Bao. He sighed, "Don't talk about medicinal materials. After such a long rain, the **** may not be able to withstand it."

When the water rushes into the dam, it is a disaster.

The most ruthless thing in the world is water and fire, and you can't escape if you touch it.

Although Ye Jiao didn't know how severe the natural disaster was, she could also see the recent nervousness of her family. The little ginseng was also very considerate and didn't ask too much. She didn't always change the way of eating like before, just because of her double body. , Occasionally I feel something is missing in my mouth.

It’s not that I’m hungry, it’s that my mouth is dry and I want something sweet.

Seeing her licking her mouth, Ye Pingrong asked, "Hungry?"

Xiao Su said on the side: "What do you want to eat? The chicken soup is stewed in the small kitchen. Can you let the cook make a bowl of noodles?"

Ye Jiao shook her head and said, "I'm either hungry, or I want to eat snacks, Fengshengzhai," the voice paused, "I'm not in a hurry anyway, I just think about it."

Xu Bao raised his hand and handed it to Ye Jiao: "Mother, eat cakes!"

Ye Jiao didn't be polite with him, smiled and ate, and kissed Xu Bao by the way.

Ye Pingrong looked at Ye Jiao and couldn't help but said, "Looking at this rain, it's about to stop. I will go to Fengshengzhai to buy you a trip later."

Ye Jiao nodded with a smile.

And this rain stopped for ten days.

In the ten days, it was not rainstorm every day, the rain was big or small, but after all, it was a rare heavy rain.

The Qi family is fine. They have a high terrain and can’t accumulate water, and there is no impact on the town and the shops in the city. There are moats around the periphery, and there are trenches, drainage channels, and underdrains. At most, some medicinal materials are soaked in water. No use, the store is fine.

Zhuangzi is located in the upper reaches of the Yuan River that runs through the villages and towns. Although there are some flooded, as long as the granary is okay, everything is okay.

However, in the lower reaches of Yuanhe River, the embankment was washed away, and several villages and towns were flooded.

Even though there are many ways to inform in advance by water newspapers and sheep newspapers, the villagers only had time to escape to save their lives by themselves, but they could not take away the food and livestock from the family.

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