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There was another happy event in the Qi family, and it didn't take long for it to spread all over the country.

For ordinary people, their usual entertainment is really not much.

Listening to the opera is something that people with spare money can do. Teahouses and book stalls have to go to the city to catch up. Ordinary people just spend time at home, or get together while washing clothes and turning over rice. Gossip in twos and threes.

As the Qi family is a wealthy family, their every move can attract people's attention, and let others talk about it.

Especially the recent good deeds of the Qi family one after another. Before, Qi Erlang was magically present in front of others, so handsome and extraordinary, not to mention it. Qi Saburo later won two cases, and now Ye Jiao gave birth to a son. Son, anyone will sigh for a while.

Especially in Yejia Village, because Ye Jiao had lived in the same village with herself before, she was more enthusiastic.

When several women gathered together to chat about with melon seeds, it was inevitable to talk about Ye Family.

"At the beginning, Ye Jiao didn't go out of the door and didn't move forward. Who would have thought of such great luck."

"No, I haven't heard of discussing marriage with her before I said it. I have only delayed it until now and I don't know what to think."

"Is this hard to guess? When she came back, we all saw it really. She looked like a top-notch figure. The Ye family made it clear that they wanted to exchange her for silver, not sell her as a concubine. It’s just like the way I am now, and it’s a blessing to be able to live like this."

"But anyhow the Ye family is also her natal family, she always doesn't come back to see, and can't tell..."

"Come on, I heard from my family that the Ye family had troubles before, saying that her family Dalang came back, and after beating Ye Er, the family was divided. Besides, Ye Jiao was married. Come back and see what's so exciting."

What these women didn't see was that Ye Ersao was taking Ye Bao to eat wontons at the stall beside him, and Ye Ersao listened to these words, which were not bad at all.

She took a deep breath, lowered her head to prevent others from recognizing it, and only patted Ye Bao: "Hurry up, or you won't be able to catch up with the morning class."

Ye Bao was originally have a temper that couldn't settle down, and he couldn't read in, so his head turned left and right.

But at this moment he was very honest, obediently ate the wontons in the bowl, and then looked up at Ye Ersao: "Mother, what is a concubine?"

Ye Ersao's expression changed, and she stretched out her hand to twist him: "Don't listen to the nonsense of those people. Have you finished eating? Hurry up when you finish eating."

Ye Bao is also clever now. He winks his eyebrows in pain without shouting, and is honestly dragged away by Ye Er's wife.

It’s just that Ye Bao is a kid after all. He doesn’t quite understand what’s going on, but compared to the ignorant boy who only wanted to eat custard every day, he now listened to a few words from the school master, and he felt vaguely before. It is not good to treat Ye Jiao by yourself.

Ye Jiao is an aunt and an elder, and the master said that he should respect the elders.

But at that time, Ye Bao didn't know anything. When he saw Ye Ersao bullying her, he followed the bullying. No one said that he was wrong, so he got worse.

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