Chapter 2

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"Thank you so much for keeping her." I thanked Amani, my brothers wife, as she was leaving out the door.

"Anytime, and goodluck with your Chris situation."

"Lord knows I'm going to need it. I doubt that I'll see him again." I replied in a sigh. Amani is the only person that I consider a friend. She knows everything about me, and vice versa.

"Yeah I guess." She said giving me a sly smile. "Well I'll be by to get Austin as soon as I get off work which should be about 7 or 8."

"That's cool, see you later."

"Bye girl." I closed and locked the door behind her as she left. I looked around my apartment and decided that I should get some cleaning out of the way. It wasn't dirty or anything, I just felt the need to clean.

"Austin!" I yelled to the back of the apartment. I heard his feet run across the hardwood floors, and he finally appeared.

"I'm about to clean up, and I need you to do something for me." His eyes lit up with excitement, and a smile spread across is face. I absolutely adore my nephew and love him as if he were my own.

"Like a mission?" He asked causing me too chuckle.

"Exactly like a mission. All you have to do is stay in the room with Leah for a little while why I clean. "

"Auntie La that's not a very fun mission." He stated as his smile dropped. I chuckled once more.

"Yes it is. Lay low for a while while I battle the germ monsters and keep Leah safe in the room . Then we'll go on a secret trip to get candy." I said in the most convincing voice that I could muster. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he raced back to Leah's room. I walked behind him, so that I could get them adjusted.

I looked around my daughters room and a smile instantly formed on my face as I seen my baby standing in her crib finally awake. Austin was sitting on one of her bean bags and played on his Leap Frog tablet. As soon as Leah seen me, she began to bounce up and down in her crib and babbling things only she understood.

"Hi baby." I said in my baby voice causing her to get more excited. I picked her up and place her on my hip and began to spin her earning giggles from her. Even though she was only 10 months, she was really smart and advanced. After playing with her for a little while, I placed her on her changing table, took off her pants, and unbuttoned her onesie. I got a fresh diaper from the shelf above the table and placed it under her. I changed her diaper and placed her back in her bed. As I sat her down she mugged me causing me to shake my head. I turned on the t.v on an educational program, and adjusted the volume.

"Austin you're going to watch her right?"

"Yes." He responded not looking up from his tablet. I shook my head and made a mental note to check up on them every couple of minutes. I walked out of the room and cracked the door so that the noise of me cleaning wouldn't disturb them. I made my way to the kitchen and found my gloves, and filled a bucket with hot water and cleaning products then began sanitizing the kitchen.

After almost 5 hours of cleaning I was finally done. Well I didn't clean for all 5 of those hours most of the time I was fooling around with Leah and Austin.

"Austin I'm about to go change my clothes and then we can go to the store, so put your shoes on." He ran to the front door where his shoes were and I walked to my bedroom. I looked around my closet for something to wear and finally decided to just wear some black leggings and a white loose fitting crop top. I threw on some black flip flops and put my hair in a high ponytail. When I was done, i made my way back to Leah's room. She was already dressed, so i just put a headband on her curly Afro.

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