Mission 10: The world crisis part 4: Our Legacy

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Amaterasu: You mean Y/n?

Hulk nodded before he ran at Akuma with a godlike glare. Akuma doing the same growled in anger before he saw Hulk  jump  up.

 Akuma doing the same growled in anger before he saw Hulk  jump  up

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Hulk punched Akuma shaking the ground by the force. Akuma  tanking it punched the Jade giant back sending him flying up. As Akuma fired a blast at hulk the raging man smashed his hands together;destroying the blast with a thunderclap. 

Akuma: Damn you!

Akuma  jumped at Hulk grabbed a chunk of a building then threw it at  the fighter. As Akuma punched threw it he was met with Hulk grabbed him by the face. Zooming towards the ground Hulk smashed Akuma into it;before slamming his fist into him.

Amaterasu:(mind) Hulk is willing to keep us safe...all because I matter to Y/n?

Amaterasu turned to Asura who now held Mithra in his arms.

Asura: Mithra are  you ok?

Mithra:*smiles* Y-Yes father I will don't worry.

Amaterasu: We must leave Asura before it gets worse. If  you want your daughter to live please come with me.

Asura: Who are you and how do you know of me?

Amaterasu: I'm the goddess of both  life and Fire; Amaterasu. I know all gods Asura and I know what you've endured. Your a kind soul and a  selfless father...I want to give you aid.

Asura: You wish to give me aid? For what purpose would you do that?

Amaterasu: I'm not like the other gods you've encountered Asura; I just want everyone to life in peace. 

Asura: Why should I even trust your words?

Amaterasu:*Smiles* Because we aren't so different as you may think Asura.

At home I too have a child I hold precious  to me; Chibiterasu my dear son

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At home I too have a child I hold precious  to me; Chibiterasu my dear son. I love him above all else and would do anything to protect him.  I grew so furious when he was taken that I nearly took away the sun;killing everyone just for my own son. As both a god and a selfless parent I ask that you give us your aid.

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