I was dressed in black jeans matched with a dark red hoodie which sleeves were black. Skeppy was wearing a pair of blue, slightly ripped, cuffed jeans, matched with his icon teal hoodie.

We headed downstairs and while he was putting his shoes on, I tied the leash around Lucy's neck. "You ready?" I heard as a hand reached out, helping me get up. I accepted the offer and with little to no power I got up.

We opened and closed the door behind us. It feels like forever since the last time I got out. The fresh air hitting my face felt nice and relaxing. Our hands intertwined as we made our way to a restaurant which I remember going a few times in the past. It wasn't that far away so it shouldn't take that long.

As much as I love the outside, I have grown an irrational fear of people, thinking that wherever I go, everyone is staring at me. Which I hoped to be false.

We entered the small restaurant and sat down in a table for two. The atmosphere seemed really nice. The shop was filled with beautiful plants and a soft tune was playing in the background. I couldn't recognize it though.

A waitress came and we both made our orders. I settled for rice, since I knew it was a small portion of food. Once they left, probably to tell the chef about our orders, Skeppy looked at me with discomfort.

He looked as if he wanted to say something so badly but was holding back with all of his willpower. Did I do something wrong again? I really hope I didn't...

Only a few minutes go by and both of our dishes arrive. We ate in silence, speaking when a random topic came up. I finished my food way faster than intended and the look on Skeppy's face had turned into a smile. I knew it was fake.

I scratched Lucy's ear to distract myself from my thoughts. This dog was truly a miracle. She shifted in her seat and was now lying upside down with her paws up in the air. I gave her a small high five while petting her surprisingly soft fur.

I made a mental note to give her a bath when we get home. Speaking about going home, Skeppy called for a waiter in order to pay them so we can leave. Hopefully he had fun today. The last thing I would want is for him to be angry at me.

" We can leave now" Skeppy stated, a smile across his face. This time it seemed genuine. Maybe it was last time as well; did I judge him without knowing? I am terrible.

"Bad are you there? Hello?" I snapped back into the real world, I need to stop zoning out. "Yeah I am here sorry, I got lost in my thoughts." He walked next to me, picking up Rat and then grabbing my hand. We said our goodbyes to the waiter that served us and left.

"So, did you have fun?" I asked him hoping that the answer would be yes. I would hate myself if it wasn't. "I had a fun time. Whenever I get to hang out with you my day always becomes a little brighter" I couldn't help but smile at what I heard.

I will treasure those words no matter what happens.

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