Episode 48: Horizons

Start from the beginning

               Who knows, maybe I should. Or maybe going outside at last will help us clear our heads. I'm surprised we haven't gotten cabin fever.

               "Mm." She nods, dragging out the steel that just looks like a long needle to me, and I'm leaning my elbows on my knees, twiddling my thumbs before smiling at her do some pretty impressive twists and spins of her wrist, the air sliced into many sounds when she twirls and drops to her knees. "So sexy." I grin and blush. I think my ears are red too.

               "That's me." She plays along, winking back. "Wanna try?" Her eyebrows jump up.

               "No way."

               "Why not?"

               "Not my style."

               "Aw." She comically pouts. "You want me to learn how to fire a gun..."

               No, not really. I'm having enough problems thinking of you gutting yourself. Blowing your head off isn't something I'd like to add to my nightmares. Thanks anyway though... 'hon'.

               "You teach me," Her hand gestures towards her body. "I teach you. Even trade." Her sexy, low-ish voice that can drive me frustrated sleeks out, and I feel her hands lift mine, the saber on the bed beside us but I don't feel like doing anything other than yanking her forward to make her straddle me, burying my face under her breasts and near her rib cage while she squirms. "Ahaaa..No! I know this game."

               "You know you always lose!" I muffle against her stomach.

               "Not...always." She holds my head in her fingers, pulling me back so that I'm immediately greeted with her lips on me, my eyes a little widened in surprise, but they change to half shut, staring back at her silver orbs when our tongues mesh a bit, my brain going in and out of focus.

               This is one of the best things...staring at her while we do this.

               I didn't... think that'd ever happen to me. And now that it is...

               "Come closer." I hoarsely whisper, hugging her while she presses her chest against mine and lowers herself to rest on me, tilting her head nearer before she quickly kisses my shoulder.

               "There's no space between us." Spes says, our stomachs pressed close when she states the fact.


               And...I don't care if that's perverted sounding. I don't want there to be space between us on any level.

               My fingers tug at her grey hair, kissing the strands, reaching for her wrist where I can see the pale of her skin and the vein below her surface, the blue traveling under my thumb as I rub in circles, smiling at how precious this wrist is to me. How...everything about her, just her, every inch is precious to me.

               "Want to see what I can do?" I look up at her, licking my lips when I glance back down to kiss her wrist above the vein, sucking lightly, pressing my teeth around her skin while her lips part. "Tada." My deep voice happily speaks after I wait a few minutes, proud of the mark I made on her while she lifts it, staring without an expression.

               And...I'm an idiot.

               "Hmm." Spes lightly hums, and I'm starting to wonder if she hates this sort of thing, I wouldn't be surprised if she breaks into a long rant right about now, when her index finger trails over it, and she picks up my hand, bringing my paler wrist up to her lips, kissing it so I hear a peck sound, just before she shuts her eyes, and does the same to me.

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