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Third person's POV

"Is this fine?" Ayumi asked as she looked at her gift "What do you guys think?"

"Perfect" Haeun

"Nothing can beat yours" Aera

"I hope he will like this" Ayumi pouted and sighed

"Thank you, keep the change." Aera told the delivery boy

Ayumi ordered a ring for Felix, it has an initial F then inside the F there is Ayumi carved in tiny letters. She also ordered a music box for Felix for him to sleep well even though Ayumi can't call him. Aera ordered a personalized headphone for Changbin since he is into music and been enjoying listening to different genres. Haeun ordered Minho a bracelet with three cat paws carved then their names are in the middle of it, as parents of three cats. They wrote letters for their boyfriends too, which they prepared for them earlier. They also wrote for the others as a thank you letter. Aera wrote for Jisung and Chan, Haeun wrote for Seungmin and Jeongin then Ayumi wrote for Hyunjin.

"I think they are in the classroom" Aera said

"Let's go" Ayumi said

As they walked to the classroom, they saw a chocolate booth which has a lot of chocolate treats and snacks to eat in a package. The three were being distracted by different foods whenever they walk around the booths. Now they saw a chocolate booth.

"Try this" Ayumi told the two and put chocolates in their mouth "Should we buy some?"

"We really should" Haeun said

They both five packs for their boyfriends' friends and three packs for the three of them. As they walked to the classroom, they saw Kiara walking to their direction which shocked them because she looks scary as hell.

"I hope you are having fun!" Kiara shouted to Ayumi

"What did I do to you?" Ayumi is confused

"Seungmin broke up with me. Satisfied?" Kiara sarcastically said and walked away from them

"I'm not even surprised" Haeun

"Look! There are smoothies!" Aera said

The three got distracted again and went to the smoothies booth which is Class A's. They ordered what they want and even sat there when they just need to go the classroom but got distracted.

"What do you mean you are not surprised?" Ayumi asked Haeun

"Well... Everyone knows what kind of person she is. We feel bad towards Seungmin since he kept ignoring what others told him about Kiara. I am just surprised that Seungmin finally broke up with her which I never expected since he loves her a lot" Haeun said

Aera sat with them and gave them smoothies "As far as I know, she has crush on one of them I don't know who but I am sure it's not Seungmin"

"One of them? Why would she date Seungmin if she has a crush on someone else?"

"To get close to the person she likes?"
Ayumi asked

Aera nodded and sipped on her smoothie "Well, she is really the perfect example of the word attention-seeker and slut. She is entitled as one because that's what people sees"

"That's messed up" Haeun

"Should we go there now? I want to know why Seungmin broke up with her. They probably know or maybe they will know once Seungmin told them"

The three of them finally agreed to go to the classroom without being distracted by the food stalls and booth activities around the school. They entered the classroom and saw the eight of them complete.

"What are those?" Chan asked looking at the paper bags and chocolate package

They gave the gifts to each one of them without any hesitation. They sat with them and watched their reaction as they open the gifts and letters dedicated to them. Unlike others, Hyunjin opened the letter first since he is curious what Ayumi wrote for him.

Hyunjin! I have been thinking how many years are we friends now? I can't remember but I do remember how we first met. You let me borrow a money from you to pay at the coffee shop when I forgot my wallet. You insisted not to pay you back then we became close friends. I didn't know you would fall for me and I would not say sorry for not liking you. You know that we both believe there are choices that we are expecting but we will end up hurting since we expected too much. Anyways, I know there is a girl who will love you unconditionally. I hope can still be friends. Cheers to more years of friendship!

Hyunjin glanced at Ayumi who is sitting beside Felix. He smiled as he felt how lucky he is to have Ayumi as his friend who never gave up on him.

"Open the letter first" Ayumi told Felix

Felix obeyed what the girl told him.

To you, my crazy sexy boyfriend. It's been a few days since we started dating but it feels like decades. I even thought earlier we were married but realization hits me. We are still young for that but that can happen, right? Anyway, I have been wondering if you were doing some rituals before you go to sleep and you always look good. I bought you a ring that has you first name initial then my name is carved on it. I also bought you music box, for you to sleep well even if I can't call you. I don't know what to buy since I am not sure what you like. Anyways, I love you and I really mean it. Let's keep loving each other and stay forever.

"I love you" Ayumi whispered to Felix

A Perfect Boyfriend | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now