Here comes the sun

Start from the beginning

"I.....i.......I don't know but I'm not complaining." She smiled.

"You're so gorgeous, how is this possible?" He said.

"Oh give yourself time, I'll run you off" she said trying to lighten the mood to relieve that knot in her belly and the pounding in her heart.

"Im up for the challenge. He said.

They laid there for a couple of hours. He never did kiss her and she kept wondering if what she'd said had scared him off. Well she did say she runs them off.

She looked at him. He was so not her type, but she really liked him. Then she reminded herself, that the last time she'd felt this way, he'd married her then broke her heart, and her bank account.

Brian could sense something was on her mind.

"Hey, you ok?"

Yeah just thinking."

"Dare I ask what about?"

"A guy who wants to know what she's thinking? No wonder he hadn't kissed her, he must be gay, she thought to herself and giggled aloud.

"I'll be back in a sec." She jumped up to use the restroom.

As she walked towards the door, she saw her bra on the floor and bent over and grabbed it on the way to the bathroom, realizing she probably gave him quite a peek in her boy shorts. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom.

Ok girl, get it together, you don't know this guy at all. He's a celebrity on a tv show. He's laying it on thick to get in your pants.

While Julie was in the bathroom, Brian laid in her bed and smelled her pillow, it smelled like her hair. he hadn't been trying to smell it, but as he'd helped her into bed the night before, he'd caught a whiff. God even after being in a bar all evening, she still smelled as amazing as she'd looked. What was he doing laying in this girls bed? He sat up and grabbed his boots from the end of the bed.

He didn't know what to do. He could do what he usually did and try to charm her pants off but that's not what he wanted. This girl was different, she was sweet, and funny, and smart, and witty and omg so hot!"

He headed for her living room. About that time she came out of the bathroom. Hair brushed, clothing situated, damn, no more boy shorts. No make up though and he loved it.

About that time his phone rang, it was Sal. He declined the call. He knew why he was calling.

Julie curled up on the couch and wrapped a throw over her shoulders. Brian asked if he could have a seat.

"Of course you can" she smiled.

God even hung over she was the the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

So what do you have going on today? He asked making conversation.

"Oh I need to some food in my house. Maybe get a mani pedi, then I'm supposed to go to my sisters house in Jersey for my nieces 3rd birthday party" she rolled her eyes.

"You?" She asked.

"I'm supposed to get together with the guys and the writers to talk strategy for the show. Need to get home and spend some time with my cats, they probably need to be fed if they haven't started eating one another yet" he laughed. "May go see my parents in Pennsylvania for a bit tomorrow." "Maybe try to get in a nap, your floor isn't the most comfortable." He winked.

"I'm so sorry, why did you stay?" She asked.

"Well, Kelly and Sal were kind of like, every man for himself and they were outta here. You were pretty lit when we got you home. I just wanted to be sure you were ok."

"Yeah I love Kelly but if there's a guy, all bets are off." Julie shook her head.

Then it all finally clicked,"OMG did Kelly and Sal go home together?" She asked.

Brian shrugged, "I'm not certain but I would say the odds are......yes."

Julie was furious. She thought to herself, oh that's great Kelly got her freak on with the best friend of a guy I've got the hots for. Yeah that won't make things weird at all.

About that time Brian's phone rang again. He looked at it and chuckled, " well guess who."

"Answer it!"

"Hey man what's up?"

"Yeah I'm with Julie."

"No bro she was drunk, give me a little credit."

Julie knew what that question was.

"You kicked her out?"

"Really...." He looked at Julie," she left on her own?"

Julie nodded. Sounded like Julie.

" did you get her number?"

"Did you want her number?"

"Well I'm sure if you decide you do we can find it."

"Alright bro I gotta go." And he hung up.

"Well it sounds like our friends had an interesting night."

"But it was just a night?" She asked. "Gee that won't make things awkward."

"Ah that's their problem" he shrugged.

He looked at his phone, it was 9:30.

"What time do you have your meeting?"

"I'm supposed to be there at 11:00, and I need a shower"

"Yeah I do too."

"Wanna conserve water and shower together?" He joked.

"Take a raincheck." She winked.

"I guess I should get moving" he said reluctantly.

"Same here, promised my sister I'd try and get there early so I could help set up."

"Can I see you again?" He asked.

"I would like that very much." She smiled and bit her lip.

"Excellent!" He cheered. "I called my phone from yours last night so if have your number and you'd have mine. I'll give you a call." He said.

"You're a clever man. Look forward to hearing from you"

He gave her a tight hug. God he smelled good. She wondered if that was leftover old cologne smell or if he just smelled that good all the time.

He breathed in, her hair still smelled amazing. He didn't want to let her go. What the hell was happening to him?

She hugged him as tight as she could. His arms felt really nice around her. Like nothing bad could ever happen to her in his arms. Ollie jumped down from the couch and weaved in and out between the two of them. Almost as if he was giving them his seal of approval.
"Alright, I guess I should go before I over stay my welcome." He said. You could sense the uncertainty in his voice.
"Ok." Julie said smiling at him.
"Hope I hear from you again sometime." She said.
"I don't think you need to worry about that." He said waving and walking away.

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