So friends?

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After Peter stopped crying," come on I'll get you something to eat and drink to make you feel better," Harry said as he pulled Peter along. They got to cup o joe Peter had heard about the place, but never went there. Harry dragged him to a booth ordering drinks and food. They got hot coco which came filled with whip cream, sprinkles, and a Oreo. Then soon the grilled cheese sandwich came. "You feel better?" Harry asked. "Yay thanks," Peter taking a sip of his hot coco. "I'm sorry about everything," Harry said. "Hey it's okay it wasn't your fault I shouldn't have yelled at you," Peter said. "Hey I understand you have nothing to be sorry for," Harry said. Peter smiled," so you come here often." "Yay like all the time it's my favorite place," Harry said. "Well it's nice guess I'll have to crash into this place more often," Peter said. Harry chuckled, you can come here as many times you want if we bump into each other I'll buy you a drink and food if your hungry," Harry said. "That'll be nice actually so friends?" Peter asked doing a pose for a fist bump. Harry fist bump his hand," friends." "Good because I was getting tired of the tension in the lab," Peter said. Harry smiles at Peter his phone dinged he picked it up and frowned. "Something wrong?" "Yay hate to break this short, but I have to get home my dad needs me," Harry said. "Hey it's fine I should probably get going got to get to my aunts'," Peter said. They walked out together and went there separate ways.

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