Midtown high

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It was a good day he finally got in horizon high a school for genius. Max the principle was showing him around. "Hey everyone this is Peter Parker," Max said. "This is Annya, Miles, Gwen, Alex, and Harry." "Pleasure to meet you," Peter said. "Now Horizon is having some construction done make more room for more students. So for now you'll have to share a lab with Harry," Max said. Peter gulped he didn't want anything to do with Harry Osborn he was a selfish loner rich prat. Peter didn't think that Harry had any friends until going to Horizon. He knew him back in Midtown, but they never really talked to each other unless they had to. They wanted nothing to do with each others lives. Now he had to share a lab with Harry. Harry showed him where his lab was," look I know neither of us want this so let's just make it through a year with out tearing each other's throats out." "That'll be nice," Peter said. "You can use the computer in here the most I have my own, but there will be times I'll need it," Harry said. "Yay oh course," Peter said. Oh course he has a laptop he has everything, Peter thought. Harry kept to his space and Peter kept to his it was really awkward. "Okay we have to have some form of communication here," Peter said. "What do you do for fun?" "Um I like to do art and build stuff," Harry said. "Can I see your art?" Peter asked. Harry showed him his art book as Peter flipped through his art book Harry was very talented he was brilliant. "Wow this is really good Harry." "Thanks," Harry said.

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