Part 32

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Every position Stevie tried sleeping in became uncomfortable in minutes. She was tired of sleeping on her back, but she seemed to struggle in any other way. Opening her eyes with a huff, she stretched out her arm over to the left side of the bed and felt it was empty. Sitting up took a lot of effort, she turned the bedside lamp on. Lindsey's side was messed up, but he wasn't in bed with her nor was he in the bathroom, she doubted. Lowering her feet to the floor she placed her hands on the mattress and pushed herself up. Putting on her robe, Stevie waddled out of the master bedroom and stopped at the staircase. She gripped the railing firmly and took one step at a time, she sighed in relief once she reached the bottom. It was dark downstairs, so she knew exactly where Lindsey was.

"Jesus, what are you doing here?" Lindsey tossed his headphones aside and leapt out of his seat to help Stevie sit down.

"I couldn't sleep." She felt completely exhausted from her short journey to Lindsey's bunker as she called it. 

"I told you not to go down the stairs alone." He gave her a pointed look, hands on his hips.

"I'm here, aren't I? I'm fine." She lifted her feet up and on the small table in front of her. "What are you doing up?"

"Couldn't fall asleep either." Lindsey shrugged, plopping down beside her. "I didn't want to disturb you, so I came here to mess around a bit." 

"Are you working on something new?" Stevie asked and he hesitated to answer. "Linds, it's okay. You can make music." She entwined their fingers together. "We only agreed on you staying home for a while."

"And I haven't changed my mind." He swore, shaking his head. "I don't know if it's something new, I just..." He stood up again and went to grab his acoustic guitar. "I just had a melody in my head for days. Do you want to hear it?"

"Always." She smiled and attempted to get more comfortable.

A beautiful melody soon filled the room. It was clear that Lindsey had figured out the beginning, but it wasn't complete yet. He tried to continue, attaching chords on the spot. He failed a few times and went back to the beginning to get through what he had already created again.

"You're so talented." Stevie reached for his hand and brought it up to her lips. "Have you got any words to add to it?"

"Not yet." Lindsey put his instrument away. "Maybe, I don't want any lyrics on this. But I only have a couple of instrumental tracks and I always struggle with titles."

"Why don't you call it Stephanie?" Stevie joked.

"Yes, dear." Lindsey replied with a light laugh. But it was no longer funny the longer he thought about it. "You know, I think, I might call it that."

"Come on, I was just kidding." Stevie waved it off.

"I'm not." He gave a shrug and leaned in to kiss her. "I've never written a song for you. There are a lot about you, but not for you."

"You're going to make me cry." She looked down as she began fidgeting with the material of her nightgown. 

"I don't mean to sound insensitive, but everything makes you cry, baby." Lindsey gave her a sympathetic look and wrapped his arm around her, she snuggled up closer to him.

"I hate it. I want this baby out." She sniffled, sounding way angrier than she truly was.

"Just a couple of weeks more to go." Lindsey kissed her hair and rested his chin on top of her head.

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