Part 20

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It was late. Lindsey was supposed to be in bed right now just like he had told his assistant earlier. Instead, he kept looking over his shoulder as he walked through the hotel lobby and then the front entrance. He felt like he was about to commit a crime, like he was doing something illegal, all the while trying to convince himself that he was just going out for a walk. I'm away from home, I'm lonely, he told himself, no one cares about anything that's got nothing to do with the tour.

"You shouldn't agree to go walking around at night with a stranger." Lindsey said and she laughed. "What's your name by the way?"

"Carrie." She held out her hand.

"Lindsey, but you probably know that already." He shrugged, shaking her hand.

"I do. I know a lot about you." Carrie added. "So, would you like me to show you around the city?"

"Well, I called you, didn't I?" Lindsey half-smiled, turning towards the same direction she did.

They walked slowly, without any rush to get to a certain point. Lindsey hadn't opened his mouth to speak yet and Carrie didn't push. He felt slightly uncomfortable and she could tell that he wasn't entirely sure if what he was doing was right.

"So, are you a groupie or..." Lindsey trailed off, mentally rolling his eyes at how stupid that must have come out.

"I can be whatever you want me to be." Carrie glanced at him, a wide grin across her pretty face. "You probably don't recognize me, but I've been to several of your shows before. I'm amazed every single time. You're so talented." She nudged him. "And absolutely gorgeous to look at."

Lindsey chuckled nervously, he shrugged his shoulders. "Ah, well... I don't know."

"Trust me. If any of the girls I was at the concert with tonight knew I was out with you, they'd never speak to me again. If you allowed yourself to look, you'd see how desirable you are." Carrie was clearly a confident young woman. She looped her arm through Lindsey's and pressed herself closer to him.

Again, they grew quiet. Well, Lindsey did. Carrie proceeded to tell him some of the history of the city, interesting facts she recalled, stories of her own rather wild life and he listened. 

Lindsey wasn't quite sure how far away from the hotel they'd gotten, when Carrie suggested they take a seat in a park they'd approached. There was not a soul around, it was just the two of them in the stillness of a starry night.

"It's a bit chilly." Carrie said, rubbing her hands together.

Lindsey shrugged off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders. "Better?"

She moved closer and under his arm. "Better."

Lindsey was very aware of Carrie's hand on his thigh. He sat completely still, afraid of making the slightest of movements. There he was, a beautiful woman practically in his lap, who was clearly interested in him, however, being so close to a woman, who wasn't his wife, just felt wrong.

"Carrie, I-" Lindsey began, but he didn't get to say much more than that.

She straightened up and touched the side of his face before capturing his lips for a kiss. It wasn't sweet or gentle, it was forced upon him and he had her tongue down his throat about ten seconds later.

"I'm sorry." Lindsey pushed Carrie away and made some space between them. "I, uh... I shouldn't have called you, that was a mistake."

"We haven't even done anything yet." Carrie was persistent as she drifted closer again, but Lindsey held up his hands to stop her.

"I'm a married man. I know, it's not very rockstar of me to say, no, to a-a gorgeous, much younger woman, but, uh..." Lindsey shook his head, laying a hand over his chest. "I would never forgive myself. I love my wife. She means the world to me."

Carrie didn't seem too disappointed and Lindsey guessed, she'd been in this position before. "Well, what can I say? I tried." She took off his jacket and handed it back to him. "May I walk you back?"

"Sorry to ask, but yeah." Lindsey smiled sheepishly. "I have no clue where we are."

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