Jackhammer Rape

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The fog coming from the church was blocking the site, but we still had to move to find my wife's corpse. Oh, this is from my perspective, not Kyle's. Well, sorry about that. Kyle, the cult, and the rest were heading to the church. They were behind the church, and it was quite the sight. The graves were there, and it was filled with large skinny trees, and voices could be heard from miles away. "Well, is this it?" Hickey asked. "Yes, this is the great church of the dead, where we all celebrate the dead and the lives they lived through." Phineas responded. "Well, let's go." Kyle said. They finally made it to the graveyard. The cult members had huge candlesticks, which they used to get through the dark. Kyle, Hickey, and Logan then looked to find Kyle's wife's grave. "Well, let's find it." Logan said. "Don't worry, we will plan whatever you want, just tell us after." Phineas said. Kyle looked around, searching for his dear love. "Man, this must be hard to find." Hickey said. "Well, it's here somewhere." Kyle said. Kyle then looked around a bit more, and he then found his wife's grave. "There it is." Kyle said. Hickey and Logan then came to Kyle. "Well damn." Logan said. "Grab the shovels over there and dig this up." Kyle said. Brbr Deng... Oh, sorry. Hickey and Logan dug the grave up, and Kyle went to open the casket. Kyle was then holding on to his dead wife. "I'm back, my love." Kyle said. Hickey and Logan then looked at each other. "This is not normal." Hickey said. The three then walked back. Kyle was walking slowly with his dead wife in his hands. "So, you found her, so what are you going to do now?" Phineas asked. Kyle then thought about what to do. "A wedding." Kyle responded. Phineas was then surprised. "Okay then, Ferb and the other cultists shall organize it." Phineas said. "That sounds perfect." Kyle said. "Well, can't wait for the dance floor." Hickey said. Meanwhile, I was at the front of my girlfriend's house, ready to knock on her door. I was a bit uncertain, but my behaviour made me confident to come in. I then walked up to the door. I knocked on the door. I know she will be surprised, but I think that is inevitable. But then, she opened the door. She was shocked because of instead of that gay lord Michael, it was me, Guy. "Oh, I didn't expect you to come here." Bonasri said. Before I said anything, she said something. "Well, come in, I won't make you rage out on me." Bonasri said. "Well, okay." I said. I walked in, and I remembered how cool-looking her house was. "This brings a lot back." I said. "I know, looking at it brings a lot back to me too." Bonasri said. I could tell that she was worried about my presence, so I had to act chill before my ultimate plan. "Hey, what's in that bag?" Bonasri asked. "Oh, nothing." I responded. "Okay, you know what, let's go to my room so no neighbours act concerned. Bonasri said. I then smirked a bit. We both went to her room. She sat on her bed, while I was standing up. "So, how is life treating you?" Bonasri asked. "Oh good, very good, in fact, I've been doing really fine." I said. She then went back a bit. "Well, okay, it's nice to see you doing well." Bonasri said. She then knew that I was going to get mad at her, so she interrupted me. "You know what, I'm sorry for what I did, I just didn't feel that our relationship was good, so I'm sorry for all that..." I then interrupted her. "Oh, I know how it feels." I said. She was then confused. "What?" Bonasri asked. I was then ready to go all out. "You know how it feels, to cheat on me for someone else, so you can fuck with him, start a family with him, suck his cock every day, and call him your sweetie, you think that would make me happy." I said. "And guess what, He's dead, he is never coming back, he got kicked in the head and then fell down to his death, and I'm happy, and why you may ask, it's because the person who fucked you is no longer around to boast about you fucking him anymore!" I yelled. "Well, fuck you then." Bonasri said. I was then shocked for a bit. "Well, I think I'm done with you." I said. I then went to my bag, and she was looking to see what I brought out. I pulled the thing out of the bag. She was then confused when she saw me holding onto a jackhammer. "Oh God no." Bonasri said. I then had a maniac-like face and was ready to kill her. "This will be my present to you." I said. She then pulled down her pants to show her ass for some reason, and then went on her stomach so she couldn't look at it. I then inserted the jackhammer in her ass. She then knew that she was going to die. "I hope you enjoy this." I said. I then started using it, and she started screaming very loudly, while blood was shooting out of her ass. I had a maniac-looking face and I was enjoying giving her absolute pain. I pretty much tore her vagina and ass apart, and she was screaming very intensely. I was basically screaming and laughing very loudly, and she was done for. Bonasri, my beautiful ex, is now dead from being jackhammer raped. "That's what you get you fat bitch!" I yelled. I was laughing like a fucking psychopath, while she was laying on her bed, all bloodied up and dead, with her tongue sticking out. Meanwhile, at the church, the cult was holding a wedding for Kyle and his dead wife. "Here we are, with Kyle and his beloved wife, with the one and only great Kabuki of the thorns behind us." Phineas said. "Well, this looks like a necrophilia documentary." Hickey said. Kyle was then staring at her, with pieces of her face flying away, as if it was made from paper. "Kyle, do you take your beloved dead wife?" Phineas asked. "Yes." Kyle responded. "Now, I would ask you, but your dead, so you may kiss the bride Kyle." Phineas said. Kyle then kissed her, and everyone was clapping. "Well, this is pretty fucked up." Logan said. "Hey, don't say that." Ferb said. Hickey and Logan were then shocked. "Did he just say something?" Logan asked. While everyone was still clapping, Kyle whispered something into his wife's ear. "Baby, we're sleeping at my house tonight." Kyle whispered.

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