A Band Has Been Formed

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When I woke up this morning, I felt a small breeze going over me. But when I woke up, it suddenly disappeared, and I  wondered what that small little thing was. The first thing I saw when I got out was Kyle making pancakes. "Want some?" Kyle asked. "No thanks." I responded. I sat down at the front table, thinking of what to do today. The pancakes had a very amazing smell, but I didn't want any because I wasn't that hungry. I decided to read the newspaper the old man dropped off. It was boring, but then one article caught my attention. The beer shop burnt down, and it also said that my friends were in the building when it was in flames. So basically, the two shittiest friends in the world both died, and to me, that's a good thing. "Hey, I posted some papers about needing a guitarist and a drummer, so we could maybe have some two come in." Kyle said. I looked at him, and from the look on his face, he thought I was going to kill him. "Okay, two people is all we need, and that is what we need." I said. He then sighed. "Jesus, I thought you were going to kill me." Kyle said. We both laughed. "Say, wanna go out?" Kyle asked. I then smiled. "Sure buddy." I said. We both went out, seeing how everyone was basically acting like they just took meth. "Man, everyone here must be on drugs." Kyle said. "Hey, it's normal." I said. "Hey, I got to go to someone's house." I said. "Why?" Kyle asked. I then showed him my girlfriend's phone. "Oh, okay." Kyle said. I then went to my girlfriend's house, staring at it. I was wondering about what I should do. "Should I go in?" I asked myself. I then went up to the door. I was about to knock. But in the end, I decided not to, and I just decided to leave the phone in front of her door. I then just left. "Okay, I'm back." I said. But then I noticed that Kyle was gone. "Where the fuck did he go?" I asked myself. "Hey, sir?" Someone asked. I turned around, seeing some dude with a mask with a smile on it in front of me. "Want to buy these normal pills?" He asked. I looked at them, but I thought they looked stupid. "Uh, yeah, maybe you can gargle on them instead." I responded. I left him behind. I looked around the city and saw no trace of him. But then I saw this hole in a building that must of lead to somewhere. "This looks interesting." I said to myself. I decided to enter, looking behind me to see if anyone was looking at me. I went through the hole, and the closer I got to the end, the louder the talking was. "Is there someone in there?" I asked myself. I went further, but I stopped at one point because there was a wood board with crocodiles underneath. I went through it and I found out where Kyle was. He was talking to two people. "So, I found you." I said. "Welcome to the band." Kyle said. I looked at the two people. "Are these the people?" I asked. Kyle then looked at them, and then looked at me. "Yes, yes they are." Kyle responded. I then decided to sit down on one of the stools. "What are your guys' names?" I asked them. "My name is Hickey, and he is Logan." The man said. "Nice to meet you two." I said. "So, we heard that you play bass and he plays keyboard." Hickey said. "Yes, that's true." I said. "Also, I don't know him, I just came here because I read that this place includes free hot dogs." Logan said. "Well, anything counts." Kyle said. "Say, Kaylo..." "Kyle." Kyle interrupted. "Oh, I thought it was Kaylo." Logan said. "Are you a fucking idiot?" Hickey said. "I thought it was Kaylo." Logan said. "It literally said on the paper that it was Kyle." Hickey said. Kyle then got up to stop them from fighting. "Okay, calm down you two, Jesus Christ man." Kyle said. "Anyway, go on with your story." I said. Logan then sighed. "Kaylo, I mean Kyle told me that your girlfriend left you for someone else." Logan said. I then rolled my eyes, and then looked at Kyle "He forced me to." Kyle said. Logan then cleared his throat. "I feel you man, my girlfriend broke up with me just because someone she met was at her favorite Taco Bell." Logan said. I then sat up. "Well, it was pretty depressing, but I do wanna do something with her." I said. Everyone looked at each other. "Oh, you finally decided what to do." Kyle said. "So, what are you going to do?" Hickey asked. Everyone was looking wide-eyed, while I had a smug-looking face." I'm going to kill her." I responded. Everyone then put their heads up and was disappointed. "Man, if you do that, you are going to prison." Hickey said. "Dude, you can talk to her, but don't kill her." Kyle said. "Well, I guess you will be going to jail." Logan said. "Guys, she cheated on me, so I think she deserves a punishment that will make her regret everything." I said. "Well, you could do that, but I don't want to see you in prison, man." Kyle said. "Guys, this is a terrible sin, and she needs to be punished, and killing her is what needs to be done, and that is what she will get." I said. Everyone was then agreeing with me, and they all calmed down. "How will you kill her?" Hickey asked. "Hey don't ask that." Logan said. "Well, should we all sleep, because it's already eleven-thirty at night." Kyle said. "Yep, let's all go to bed." Hickey said. We all got up. "Welp, tomorrow, we will all show each other what we can do, and then we will start jamming it out." I said. "Sounds good to me." Hickey said. We all went to our beds. "Aw Logan, you really had to fall in the water tank." Hickey said. "I thought it was an ice cream pool." Logan said. During the night, I did a prayer before I went to bed. "May God bless my soul, and may everyone bless me with theirs as well." I said. I then went to bed. However, I woke up in this world "Where am I?" I asked myself. I then saw my girlfriend on the other side, "Bonasri." I said. She walked over to me. "You came back." Bonasri said. "Well, what are you doing here?" I asked. She then went on the floor. "Come on, kill me." Bonasri said. I then fell backwards. I felt nothing at all, and I couldn't see anything. But then I had these visions. I started beating her to death, stabbing her, and having sex with her. I felt her blood on me, and I continued to fuck and kill her. I then grew a huge amount of rage. "Take this you bitch." I then grabbed an axe and started chopping her to death. I then stabbed a knife through her ass and started shooting her to death. She then looked at me. "Why are you doing this, I thought you loved me?" Bonasri asked. "You left me for someone else." I responded. "But what about the old memories we had?" Bonasri asked. I then went on the floor and saw her laying down with blood and her limbs all over the place. I then started to cry, and then she disappeared. I then woke up. "Jesus Christ, what the hell was that?" I yelled. I then had a panic attack. I then decided to walk around a bit to think about what just happened. I then went to sleep and... Hey, wait hold up, what? Oh. Okay everyone in the studio, its been reported that there might be a bomb in here,  so everyone must get out now. Hey, don't collapse the polls... Aw goddammit. 

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